Holiday Social / Raffle Winner

Holiday Social / Raffle WinnerDecember 4, 2024 the combined Rotary Clubs of Lakewood/Rocky River were hosted at Kathy Berkshire's home for a social and raffle drawing. Our exchange student Jack was also presented with a Lakewood High School Varsity jacket! ![]() ![]() |
Holiday Social / Raffle Winner | Jim Rowe | 2024-12-09 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Sunrise Rotary at Work - Cove ProjectThe Lakewood/Rocky River Sunrise Rotary Club partnered with the City of Lakewood to work on a project that would give seniors and others at the new Cove Center a chance to grow vegetables! Jason Pickering of Pickering Hill Farms donated plants including tomatoes, peppers, and kale. |
Sunrise Rotary at Work - Cove Project | Jim Rowe | 2024-06-06 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||
2024 Police Planters |
2024 Police Planters | Jim Rowe | 2024-05-02 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Neighborhood Paramedic Ryan B. BirthOur Speaker for September 20, 2023 was Neighborhood Paramedic Ryan B. Birth from the Lakewood Fire Department. He shared his mission to bring a closer tie with community for health and well being. Ryan shared information of mini-clinics for blood pressure and glucose checks. He shared information on "File of Life" a magnetic envelop that can be affixed to the refrigerator with critical information on contacts, medications, and medical conditions. He talked about "Fall Prevention Visits" too. We look forward to hearing more information soon! ![]() |
Neighborhood Paramedic Ryan B. Birth | Jim Rowe | 2023-09-20 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||
WELCOME NEW EXCHANGE STUDENTS 2023-2024The Lakewood/Rocky River Sunrise Rotary Club welcomes Touko from Finland, pictured with (L_R) the President of the Akron Club, RIPE Stephanie Urchek, an exchange student from Brazil, an exchange student from France, and DG Julie Brandle. and our second exchange student, Luisa from Columbia, pictured with her Host family the Sengers! ![]() |
WELCOME NEW EXCHANGE STUDENTS 2023-2024 | Jim Rowe | 2023-08-26 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Ervis Mellani sworn in...This morning, July 12, 2023 Ervis Mellani was sworn in as our new Club President by Julie Brandle our District Governor for 6630. In addittion, the Board was also given the oath of office. ![]() ![]() |
Ervis Mellani sworn in... | Jim Rowe | 2023-07-12 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Rocky River PD PlantersOur grant project for the City of Rocky River Police Department has finally "BLOOMED!" The new concrete planters on the front steps of the newly completed Police Department building were beautifully planted by Bill Minnich and his team. ![]() |
Rocky River PD Planters | Jim Rowe | 2023-06-23 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Jonathan Gray VocationalWednesday June 21, 2023 we were privleged to hear Jonathan Gray from Trials for Hope share a little vocational talk about how he came to be a vast resource for the homeless and underserved in our communities. Our Lakewood / Rocky River Sunrise rotary Club has helped Trials for Hope significantly over the past few years with cash, volunteering, and projects at their facility including a walk-in freezer. This year, our annual fund raiser collected $12,600.00 that was directed to Trials for Hope. We glady presented Jonathan with that check ! ![]() |
Jonathan Gray Vocational | Jim Rowe | 2023-06-23 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Jewelry Raffle 2022Our Jewelry Raffle 2022 is out of the gate! Help support our community and our Club by purchasing yours today. Please CLICK the RAFFLE option in our banner above ![]() |
Jewelry Raffle 2022 | Jim Rowe | 2022-09-14 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||
2022 Fund RaiserIt's Almost here! Time for our 2022 Fund raiser. Get ready for the fun, the thrill of winning, the time with friends and good food and a beverage too!
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2022 Fund Raiser | 2022-02-11 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Fill the BackPackSunrise Rotary Club participates in “Fill the Backpack Campaign” The County Division of Children and Family Services initiated a project to help guarantee that every child despite their circumstances would have access to the tools they need for a successful year of learning and growth in the 2020 – 2021 school year. The Lakewood Rocky River Rotary Club decided to include this project with its many community service project of its current Rotary year. A group of their members got together in a member’s back yard and packed bags with supplies they had purchased from funds provided by the Club’s Foundation. The Sunrise Club contributed 48 back packs to the 850 that were received by the Division as part of this year’s campaign. Families were able to pick up backpacks at drive-up events, and others were distributed by teaching staffs at schools. The objective of giving hope and making a difference was accomplished for many deserving children. This is just one of many community, youth, vocational and international projects of area Rotary Clubs. To learn more about how you can join with men and women in your area to give back through service in your community, and internationally, contact – |
Fill the BackPack | Larry Faulhaber | 2020-11-17 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Shelter Box Hero |
Shelter Box Hero | Larry Faulhaber | 2020-10-27 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||
World Polio Day October 24The Rotary Clubs of Lakewood/Rocky River Celebrated World Polio Day October 24, 2020
World Polio Day October 24 | Larry Faulhaber | 2020-10-27 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Books for KidsAnother great collection of books for kids! This morning Patty, Erik, and Carol opened the collection box to find bins overflowing!! ![]() |
Books for Kids | Jim Rowe | 2020-10-14 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Sunrise Club Receives HERO AwardThe Lakewood/Rocky River Sunrise Rotary Club Receives Bronze HERO Award!
Sunrise Club Receives HERO Award | Jim Rowe | 2020-10-03 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Trials for Hope gets Check from RotaryPresident Lynda and Jason from our Sunrise Rotary Club presented Jonathan Gray, CEO of Trials for Hope with a check to augment purchase of a walk-in freezer. ![]() |
Trials for Hope gets Check from Rotary | Jim Rowe | 2020-02-15 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Welcome Imanu Lewis |
Welcome Imanu Lewis | Jim Rowe | 2019-12-14 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
PE Lynda Carter Presented with BannerMarch 13, 2019 Adam Sonnhalter Assistant District Governor for 6630 presents President Elect Lynda Carter with her Presidential Year banner and Theme. "Rotary Connects the World" |
PE Lynda Carter Presented with Banner | 2019-03-13 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Induction of New Member
Posted by Jim Rowe on Mar 13, 2019
March 13, 2019 we were privileged to have our Assistant District Governor Adam Sonnhalter present to induct our new member Jason Pickering! |
Induction of New Member | Jim Rowe | 2019-03-13 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Induction of our Two Newest Members
Posted on Dec 15, 2018
This past Wednesday, December 12th we were privileged to have Adam Sonnhalter; Assistant District 6630 Governor attend our meeting and provide formal induction for our newest members. We are pleased to welcome Anne Marie Peacock and Gary Rossen. |
Induction of our Two Newest Members | 2018-12-15 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Induction of new member
Posted on Oct 20, 2018
Induction of new member | 2018-10-20 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
District Governor Visit and Unsung Hero AwardOctober 10, 2018 we hosted District 6630 Governor Beverly Ghent-Skrzynski for her official visit to our Lakewood/Rocky River Sunrise Rotary Club. In addition, Bev and I honored our Club's first Unsung Hero, W. Todd Kiick. This award was initiated by Beverly for all clubs this year to honor individuals who work tirelessly in the background. These individuals and in particular Todd, always hold everyone to the precepts of the Four Way Test. Todd never asks for fame, always participates in meetings and is also represented to the District in various roles. Thank you to Bev and to Todd for helping us to be a GREAT ROTARY CLUB!
District Governor Visit and Unsung Hero Award | 2018-10-20 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Thank You
Posted by Jim Rowe on Jun 27, 2018 sincere appreciation to all who attended this morning's meeting and induction of Officers and Board for the Rotary Year 2018/2019 "Be the Inspiration" Kathy did her induction of Officers and Board with her usual enthusiasm and prompting "Ha", we all need a little instruction every now and then. Chuck shared his appreciation for all who supported and helped throughout his tenure (2 times now!!). Many thanks from me to Chuck for his mentorship and guidance as I assume the role of President. Kim Murphy was sworn in as our newest board member and she and Kevin Beirne have already stepped up to take the lead on the Rocky River Assistance Program school supply drive. WOW and thank you to some of our newest members!! We had two guests Louis from Mexico, a 5 time President of his Club and Chris who has relocated back to Ohio from New England. Nice to have an international guest as well as prospective member in attendance this morning. We presented Karen King a card of sympathy for the recent loss of her Father and our prayers are with her and her family. For those of you who read the entire message, take note: NO MEETING JULY 4 in observance of the holiday! Our next/first Board meeting of the new year will be on July the 11th at 6 pm in the Lakewood Library. Note this is a change of days from Monday to Wednesdays! "Be the Inspiration" is our new theme for the coming Rotary year. Please take time to think about who has inspired you? Have you taken time to thank them? It may have been a teacher, a minister, a coach, your Mom & Dad??? Think about how we can incorporate inspiration into our meetings, our activities, and our actions. Think about how we can become the inspiration for the youth community we have focused on. They will be our next members, our next leaders. Thank you for all you do. Respectfully Jim |
Thank You | Jim Rowe | 2018-06-27 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Greetings from President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, We’re close to the end of March and I don’t have all of my “To Do’s” checked off for this month. That of course reminds me that we all need to get cracking on our taxes. Albert Einstein once said, “The hardest thing in the world to understand is income tax”. I get it, I understand it, although I often have mixed emotions when the money gets redistributed to all of the groups that lay claim to our income. So while it can be painful and sometimes you feel the tax burden is unfair, I try to keep in mind how lucky we are to earn money and by necessity, pay taxes. We are all fortunate, in addition to being very resourceful. It’s our personal hard work and good fortune that make it possible to be a Rotarian and share our talent and resources in helping others. The great thing about the time and money you invest with Rotary is that you have some modicum of control over its use. As a Club we do a lot of different things, all member driven and resourced. Please continue to think about the things we do and how we can improve our delivery and product. If you want to add, delete, modify or just leave something alone, we need your voice, your input. Our Club will be developing our Budget for the new year in the next month and your input is critical. Be an agent of Rotary, “Make A Difference” and help your Club grow and thrive. Everyone’s opinion is important, please be heard. To visit our website click here. See you Wednesday. Chuck 440-463-1100 |
Greetings from President Chuck | 2018-03-23 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings from President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, MARCH, “March Madness”. I think of the NCAA basketball tournament when I hear “March Madness”. It has to be the greatest playoff style event in sports. Even if your not a fan of basketball or any particular team, it just presents the best there is in an athletic event. “March Madness” also means the start of Daylight Savings Time. I think this is a “Madness” that has been perpetuated since its inception in the United States in 1918, a hundred years ago. Since then it has been debated, changed back and forth and ignored by some States. Now that is “Madness”. We have a certain amount of “Madness” in everyday life. Through the centuries crazy people have done lots of crazy stuff. Now we have exponentially more people on earth and we have a whole lot more “Madness”. Our weather in March always displays a touch of “Madness”. You expect more 40 degree days and you get 25. You expect clearer skies and you get snow. I think the secret is to remain calm, focused and upbeat and make the best of your life in spite of the “Madness” around us all. Whether your team wins or loses, you awaken in the dark, it snows or shines and you feel like the crazies are winning, take in a deep breath and push ahead. We out number the crazies and all the “Madness”. While you ponder that deep philosophical outpouring, think of the good Rotary does in our communities and worldwide. Think about what we do as a Club and what we could do. Are you the architect of the next project and Club endeavor? It’s that time of year when we look at our activities and budget for the new Rotary year that begins July 1. 2018. So bring your ideas and wish list and help us make our Club stronger and ever more effective while you enjoy what is the “Madness” of March. See you all Wednesday. Visit Club Website here Chuck 440-463-1100 |
Greetings from President Chuck | 2018-03-18 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
After Auction ReviewThanks Chuck for leading through a casual but effective After Auction Review! On the positive, there were many comments from club as well as guest that the Auction was a good time! People had fun, the food was good and the format was good. Everyone enjoyed the young people and especially having the 3 youth speakers. It was suggested that we keep the same format for next event. Be content with size and expectations; don't try to grow too fast. Make sure we test and adjust Audio volume in each area so we don't chase people from any area. Check in and Check out had some bumps, but most thought it went pretty well. We should however expand checkout stations for more efficiency. We should detail contents of Top Hat baskets and silent auction grouping so community can understand what is included. Cork Pull was a success; expand for next event. Adjust timeline to allow for browsing and social. Pace of the event was OK in spite of on the spot tweaking. Live auction items need to be highlighted to allow participants a change to review; perhaps balloons at each item, pictures and detailed descriptions. Live auction should start bidding at lower than published value to encourage bargain hunters to bid. We should probably keep number of baskets, top hats and live auction items near same number for next year. If I missed anything, please speak up at our next meeting. In addition, the Club decided to share proceeds with AYF in the amount of $3,000.00 and each Interact Club (Lutheran West and Lakewood) would get $350.00. Thanks for all you do to make our Club a great organization. Jim
After Auction Review | Jim Rowe | 2018-03-07 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Greetings: President Elect Jim RoweA man is trying to understand the nature of God, and asked him: "God how long is a million years to you?" God Answered: "A million years is like a minute." Then the man asked: "God, how much is a million dollars to you?" And God replied: "A million dollars is like a penny." Finally the man asked" "God, could you give me a penny?' And God said, "In a minute." We have to extend a sincere Thank You to Carolyn Billick of the Rocky River Assistance Program for sharing their story and for giving us ideas where we may be able to help. She sent me the following:
Thank you for having me come speak to your group this morning; I had a great time. I especially appreciate how nice everyone was to Danica, too! As I mentioned in my talk, partnering with Rotary for our School Supply Initiative would help us reduce the spending associated with this project. Below are the "most needed" items from last year. Please let me know your group's thoughts on participating in this project. In the future, I will be in touch regarding Pack & Sort help, too. · Colored Pencils · Composition Books · Crayola Washable Markers · Crayons · Dry-Erase Markers-Thin and Thick · Gallon Zip Lock Bags · Hand Sanitizer · Highlighters · Index Cards · Large Erasers · Large Glue Sticks · Number 2 Pencils · Pencil Sharpener · Post it Notes · Sandwich Zip Lock Bags · Single Subject Notebooks – Solid Color on Cover · Tissue · Wide Rule Loose Leaf Paper Thank you for Rotary's continued support of our worthwhile cause. Julie and I are honored to be part of this program and are always impressed with the generosity of the Rocky River community. Have a nice day, and we'll see you again soon! Sincerely, Carolyn Billick & Julie MacDonald Time is relative, and it seemed like it took forever to get to our auction, and then it was over in the blink of an eye. Now, we are approaching the the end of February and looking forward to hearing from Kristen Broadbent about the new "Three Arches Foundation". I am sure she will share how the former Lakewood Foundation became Three Arches with new and exciting future. Looking forward to a great week and don't forget our Lutheran School connection....they are having BLOOD DRIVE Tuesday March 6....reach out to for more information. Respectfully, Jim
Greetings: President Elect Jim Rowe | 2018-02-25 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings from President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, AUCTION, AUCTION, AUCTION. I’m sure many of you are weary of hearing about our upcoming Auction Fund Raiser February 9th. It’s my job and obligation to the Club to promote and cajole each and every Club Member to get maximum participation. The event will be the financial lifeblood of the Club this next Rotary year. The deadline for Auction items to be listed in the program is this Wednesday. Lottery tickets, invited guests, tickets you sell to acquaintances, that deadline is the beginning of the following week. In our Club we have over achievers for the Auction and unfortunately non-achievers and everything in between. Where are you in this picture? The Club belongs to the members, the members pick the activities and projects, the Club Treasury tries to fund the activities. The connection is obvious. It’s not too late to invite guests and sell tickets. It is the least you can do and should do. I understand we all belong by choice and you may choose not to participate by choice, what does that say? Once the Auction is behind us we return to our regular program of guest speakers and the monthly Club Assembly. I can’t wait. I feel like I have been brow beating everyone with this same refrain and for that I apologize. So for the last time, please get on board, do your part and I promise to leave you alone about fundraising. These last 3-4 months we have gained three new members, Kim Murphy, Kevin Beirne and Bob Hamed. I’m grateful for their willingness to join and participate. To keep them on track and provide them with a good understanding of Rotary and our Club, I would like three volunteers to help mentor them and handle questions and concerns that my come along. Who’s going to step up to this task? This is an important obligation we have as a Club to make certain a new member understands what and why we do things, educate them a little on the District and facilitate their integration into our Club. I’ll be waiting in the wings to see who steps up. So for the last News update it’s all about AUCTION, AUCTION, AUCTION. Chuck |
Greetings from President Chuck | 2018-01-27 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President ChuckEveryone’s life has to have a purpose to be meaningful, one such purpose is Service to others. “Service Above Self”, “Making A Difference”, all mottos of Rotary and what we do as Rotarians and a Club. The proceeds of our auction this February 9th will make it possible to live up to our creed. This week at our meeting we will hear from the Lakewood High School AYF participants from this last summer. Do you need motivation, inspiration? Maybe you just need to feel good about something our Club supports year after year. This is but one thing from the myriad of things we do to support young people in our communities. Please take a moment to do a personal inventory of what you have done or could do to support our Auction. Time is very short. Your deadline for Auction items is January 31st. The other deadline is inviting guests. We need to fill the room with 200 people. Let’s Make A Difference. Chuck |
Greetings From President Chuck | 2018-01-21 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, Winter, Spring like and back to Winter. We are on the weather roller coaster that is so typical of northern Ohio. It sort of mirrors life with up and downs, success and set-backs, but we persevere. Our Club is a little like that too. We’ve had crazy growth, some modest decline, unbridled enthusiasm and doldrums, a plethora of activities and then a slow-down. It’s the rhythm of life and Rotary is not any different. It’s up to each of us to make our life meaningful and Rotary can and should be a part of that effort. We have our Auction Fund Raiser in about three weeks. We have had some members chasing hard and others on the sideline. It’s time for everyone to get engaged and be part of this effort. We have a deadline of January 31st for Auction Items. It is truly time to get in gear. If you haven’t done so already, this is your personal to do list to get help you get involved: -Solicit Auction Items. -Bring your Wine, Beer, Liquor and Lottery Tickets to the meeting. -Invite guests or acquaintances to the event. -Commit to help in any way you can Auction day. . The success of the Auction resides with all of us and it will make funding activities this next year possible. Remember the Club is a reflection of its membership. This Tuesday evening at 6:30 PM we have an off site volunteer project to help the Rocky River Assistance Program sort and package food for needy families in Rocky River. It usually takes an hour or so and then we will adjourn to Herb's Tavern. The RRAP is in the MRD Building which is set back off Detroit Rd. just east of ACE hardware. Come help out and enjoy some social time with your fellow members. See you Wednesday. Chuck |
Greetings From President Chuck | 2018-01-14 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, This past Saturday some of your fellow Rotarians gathered at Rocky River United Methodist Church for the memorial service in memory of Bill Minnich’s’ wife, Susan. They had been married a glorious 60 years, that’s quite a statement. Bill’s grandson was asked to provide a eulogy which he handled very well. Part of the eulogy included a short poem framed around a “dash -, a hyphen” that is placed between your birth and death dates. That little dash, that little dash that really represents everything about you, everything you have done in your life and all the lives that you have touched. A dash does not seem like enough. It was really a great way to reflect on life, lives usually made up of thousands of dashes, yet represented by a single dash from birth to death. For myself, I can say the dashes have not always been in a straight line or always pointed in the right direction, but the journey continues. As Rotarians we are banded together to make our individual dashes more meaningful for others that need our support. Everything we do to “Make A Difference” becomes part of your string of dashes that will eventually become that single dash. Part of our immediate “dash” is our Auction that is only a month away. We are really in the final days and we need everyone’s support. You need to decide how you will help your Club and how your dash will measure up. Please do what you can. This Monday night we have our monthly Board Meeting at 6:00 PM at the Lakewood Public Library. Tuesday night at 6:30 PM we will help the Rocky River Assistance Program with food sorting for families in need in Rocky River. Wednesday we have our Club Assembly which will touch on the Fund Raiser and Club Committees. Let's all strive to make each dash meaningful. Chuck 440-463-1100 |
Greetings From President Chuck | 2018-01-07 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, Happy New Year to everyone. It just seems like we celebrated this same event only months ago. Time does fly by and as we enter this New Year, we all need to be mindful of our Auction Fund Raiser that is planned to be on February 9th. Our meeting this coming Wednesday will be dedicated to the final planning and commitments from everyone to make this event a success. Remember, the money we raise will be incorporated into our 2018/2019 budget that gives us the ability to support projects and activities that you, our membership, want to do in the upcoming year. My expectation is a full house this Wednesday at our meeting and your willingness and support of this activity. Get those sponsors, table reservations, lottery tickets and donation items. We need auction items and attendees. January 9th we have our monthly Board Meeting at Lakewood Public Library from 6:00 to 7:00 PM. Anyone can attend, you don’t need to be a Board Member. Remember, our job is really to do the will of the Club within the structure of our Club Bylaws and Rotary International. Your input is always welcome. As you go about your daily routine, please think about what we can do to make our Club even better at “Making A Difference”. Remember, too, that we need to recruit others to make this journey we know as being a Rotarian. Invite someone you know to one of our meetings and see if we are a good fit for their desire to give back. January 16th, Tuesday evening from 6:30 to maybe 8:00, we will be assisting the Rocky River Assistance Program with the breakdown of the food items for distribution. We did this last year and our process usually includes some Club social time afterward. We will convene after our work is completed at Herbs Tavern in Rocky River. . All the best to everyone and Happy New Year 2018!! Chuck |
Greetings From President Chuck | 2018-01-01 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Christmas Carols with Charles- Dec 20, 2017 |
Christmas Carols with Charles- Dec 20, 2017 | 2017-12-20 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings. From President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, This week Wednesday at our meeting we will host Charles Eversole, Director of the Singing Angels. Charles will lead our Club in singing Christmas Carols and other songs. You don’t want to miss the meeting. Charles is really talented and he makes the morning fun and memorable. So take care of your voice. We will also do our traditional Christmas book exchange among the attendees. So please take the time to select a book from your personal collection, wrap it and bring it with you Wednesday. While our official Club Santa has moved to South Africa, we will do our best to come up with a stand in. This past Friday evening and Saturday morning a number of your fellow Rotarians helped with the LCAC Food Distribution at the Masonic Temple in Lakewood. Our member, Sabine from Breadsmith, provided over 300 loaves of bread for the event. Friday night when we wrapped and counted out the bread, the basement of the Masonic Hall smelled like a bakery and it stirred everyone’s appetite. There is nothing quite like the smell of freshly baked bread. Thank you Sabine. Our focus moving into the close of 2017 and the New Year is our Auction Fund Raiser in February. So in the midst of shopping and preparing for Christmas, add the need for donations for the auction, your personal guest list and whatever else you can do to make this a great success. This is our only big annual event and we need everyone to step up and help. See you Wednesday. Don’t forget your voice and a book or two. Chuck |
Greetings. From President Chuck | 2017-12-17 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
New Members Inducted December 13, 2017This morning Assistant District Governor Kathy Berkshire offically inducted Kevin Beirne and Bob Hamad into the Lakewood / Rocky River Sunrise Rotary! ![]() |
New Members Inducted December 13, 2017 | Jim Rowe | 2017-12-13 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Greetings from President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, It’s beginning to feel a lot like winter with cold temperatures and a light dusting of snow. The forecast predicts more of the same for the next few days and it reminds me to get my Christmas list completed. As we complete our tasks for Christmas, I know we all keep in mind the less fortunate in our midst. Again this year we have provided gifts cards for the Rocky River Assistance Program and this weekend, Friday evening and Saturday morning, we will be helping with the Lakewood Charitable Assistance Corporation Food Distribution. Come on out Saturday about 9:00 AM for camaraderie and the good feeling you get helping others. This week at our meeting we are pleased to be swearing in our newest members, Bob Hamed and Kevin Beirne. Bob is Mike Hamed’s father and he’s happily retired. Kevin is an active father with several young children and he’s engaged in the Commercial Insurance business. Please make an extra effort to attend the meeting and welcome them into our ranks. Let’s make their commitment to Rotary meaningful and productive by helping them get involved in our activities. Think about who else you know that would be a good candidate to belong to Rotary. As you sell Rotary, it’s important to remember you’re a member in the world’s largest service organization and as such, welcome to any Club in the world. Our deepest sympathy to Bill Minnich and his family at the loss of Susan, his wife and best friend for 60 years. There will be a memorial service on Saturday, January 6, 2018, at 2:00p, in the Chapel at Rocky River United Methodist Church. Our Interact youth at Lakewood High School did a great job with their Shelter Box Fund Raiser. They made their goal and along the way garnered some well deserved attention from the local news outlets. Our exchange student, Maria, was very active in the project and, of course, our thanks go to Kirsten Senger, the Club’s adult leader. Kirsten is a tireless leader and advocate for the Interact youth at LHS. This week our guest speaker is Simon Peck from the Case Weatherhead School. The following week is our Christmas caroling program with Charles Eversole of the Singing Angels and not to be missed book exchange. So dig around your collection, select a book, wrap it and bring it to the meeting. See you on Wednesday. Chuck 440-463-1100 |
Greetings from President Chuck | 2017-12-10 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings from President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, We have a mere 21 days until Christmas and another week later we will be entering 2018. I certainly have my share of unfinished business at work and personally. I recall in Junior High School how the days seemed to drag on as we approached a Holiday break and now they fly by with precious time to spare. While we are all pressed to get things done, take an extra few moments and give “Thanks” for the all of the great things we tend to take for granted, your spouse, the roof over your head, food on the table and all of the things we enjoy each and every day. When you think about it, it makes giving back and “Making A Difference” an easier and more meaningful experience. Whatever you do, big or small, all contributes to making our life and others better. This next week Friday our Club will be involved with the LCAC Food Distribution. Friday evening 6:30 -8:00 PM we will package, sort and count bread donated by our member Sabine Kretzschmar from Breadsmith. This project, and year around distribution, would not happen without Sabine and her husband supporting our Club. Saturday at 9:00 AM starts the food packaging and then distribution to needy families in Lakewood. December 15 & 16. Come for an hour, come for the duration, every set of hands makes the task easier. Our Club meeting this week will be Club Assembly, a time to chat about committee work and most importantly our Auction coming up in early February. We are really in the waning hours of putting this together and we need everyone’s support in acquiring donation items. It is not too early to put your invite list together for the event. Our efforts in February will set the table financially for the Club in the upcoming year. Bring your Auction items to the meeting. See you Wednesday. Chuck 440-463-1100 |
Greetings from President Chuck | 2017-12-04 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, Thanksgiving was a beautiful day and I hope everyone was able to share the day with family and friends. We are certainly blessed with good fortune to live in the United States and enjoy the abundance we have come to accept as normal. Our parent organization, Rotary International, reaches people and places throughout our world that are not nearly as fortunate as us. When you give to the Rotary International Trust, you help fund not only local projects, but activities all around the world. So please, do what you can and donate to Rotary International Trust Fund. RI is a responsible steward and your contribution will be used to help those not as fortunate as any of us. Speaking of helping, we have two tasks to complete before this year runs out. Our Club committed to help the Rocky River Assistance Program with 20 gift cards for their Christmas effort. Please pick up a $10-20.00 gift card and bring it to the meeting this Wednesday. We are also committed to helping the Lakewood Charitable Assistance Corporation program with their food distribution. We need helpers Friday evening, December 15th, to sort and package bread about 6:30 PM. This takes about an hour or two. Saturday morning, the 16th, we gather about 8:30 AM to package everything up and distribute food to needy families in Lakewood. The turnout on this Saturday event is usually a little sparse, so please make an effort to help. This is a hands on project that does not require you to spend money, just a little time. Two other things that are very important as we get close to closing out 2018. We need to elect three new Board Members and I think we can complete that task at our meeting. The other is auction and raffle items for our February 9th event are needed. Please remember that the money we raise will be used to support Club activities in the 2018/2019 Rotary year that begins on July 1st. We need everyone to get behind this effort. This Wednesday our speaker will be Corporal Herman Williams, USMC, speaking about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and his journey. This is a disorder that afflicts many military, first responders and others that have experienced a traumatic event. I hope to see all of you Wednesday. Chuck 440-463-1100 |
Greetings From President Chuck | 2017-11-27 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, We kicked off the Thanksgiving Holiday week with our annual participation at the Lakewood Charitable Assistance food distribution this past weekend. Friday evening we packaged and sorted three hundred loaves of bread donated by the Breadsmith in Lakewood. We accumulate the bread over the entire year for distribution and the big push is always Thanksgiving and Christmas. We store bread in freezers that the Club purchased years back. Saturday morning the food is packaged up and delivered to families in need throughout Lakewood. We had help from Bill Minnich, Jean Vahue, Bill Gaydos, Dave Schaeffer and the Harris family Friday evening. Saturday we had Jim Rowe, Jim Penning, Dave Bruedigan, and Jim & Marty Harris. LCAC had us vastly outnumbered on both days with a record turnout. That will not be the case for the Christmas weekend when help drops way off, so please plan to help on this project. Our Lakewood HS Interact students are working hard to attain their goal of $2000.00 for the purchase of two Shelter Boxes. This last week Wednesday, they raised $241.00, proceeds from the dine at Chipolte event. So far they have accumulated about $1600.00 and they are still working to hit their goal. A big “Thank You” goes out to Marty Harris and Kirsten Senger, both of whom are dedicated to these young people and the Interact Club. This Wednesday would be a great day to bring to our meeting your latest offerings for our February Auction Fund Raiser. With the Holidays upon us, I understand your time is shared with many other activities and pressures, so make this easy and get this completed sooner than later. Please remember your individual efforts will support all of the things we do as a Club in the up-coming year. This week our speaker is Bob Buck who operates Peppers Restaurant in Lakewood. The following week our guest will speak to us on his journey to recover from PTSD and his experience in the Marine Corps. You don’t want to miss a meeting. We always enjoy good camaraderie, good food, good speakers and all of this for a good cause. I hope to see you Wednesday. Chuck 440-463-1100 |
Greetings From President Chuck | 2017-11-20 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings from President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, I think it's official, Fall has arrived and Winter feels like it's closing fast. Every November since the Club was Chartered over 10 years ago, our members have pitched in to help the Lakewood Charitable Assistance Corp. food distribution for the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays. This coming Friday evening, a handful of our members will sort and count bread we have accumulated thanks to the generosity of our member Sabine Kretzschmar and her husband who own Breadsmith in Lakewood. They donate bread year around and for just these two distributions we will distribute 150-200 loaves of bread. This bread will get bundled up with other foodstuffs for families in need in Lakewood. We can’t thank Sabine and her husband enough for their continued support of the Club Project. We have many other Club members that pick up and store bread. Bill Gaydos, Marty & Jim Harris, Bill Minnich and who am I forgetting? This coming Saturday the work continues with the packaging of the food and distributing throughout Lakewood. It’s a great way to get in the giving Holiday spirit of the Holidays and do a little for those in need. November is also the month we nominate and elect three new Board Members whose terms would begin July 1, 2018. We have reached out to a few members, but it’s better if you just offer to serve. Our meetings are held the first Monday of the month and the meeting lasts about an hour. So please step forward and help your Club “Make A Difference”. November is also the month we promote your participation in the Rotary International Foundation. Jim Penning has presented information on this to the Club and he will mention it again. Your support of the RI Foundation is a crucial part in our ability to provide outreach and help on projects in our backyard and beyond. Please do what you can to support the RI Foundation and the important work being done all over the world. Club Meeting Schedule: Nov 15 Bill Gaydos Vocational Talk Nov 22 Bob Buck, Peppers Restaurant in Lakewood Club Activities Outside of our Meeting: Nov 15 Chipotle Fund Raiser for our LHS Interact Club. 4-8 PM at 14881 Detroit Ave. Nov 16 Joint Luncheon of the Lakewood & RR Chambers at Westwood CC. Nov 17 LCAC Bread & Food sorting at the Masonic Temple in Lakewood. Nov 18 LCAC Food packaging and delivery. Masonic Temple in Lakewood. I hope to see everyone Wednesday morning. Chuck 440-463-1100 |
Greetings from President Chuck | 2017-11-12 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, Each month just seems to roll by faster and faster as we head toward the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Holidays. So much to do and so little time, or at least it sometimes feels that way. It can be difficult to be all things to all people, so do the best you can and be comfortable knowing you are doing more than most people with your volunteer time and efforts. This past Saturday our Club’s Interact and Exchange Students spent Saturday at Cuyahoga Falls HS with young folks from throughout the District. Barb Sabal, Marty Harris, Jean Vahue and our friend of Rotary, Kersten Senger, all gave time to support our students and others. Thank you all. Marty, Barb and Jean also spent time feeding teachers at Harrison Elementary School in Lakewood one day this past week. Now that is commitment in “Making A Difference”. I hope I did not omit anyone. How can you individually make a more of a difference?? How about serving as a Board Member for your Club?? Each November we nominate and elect at least three (3) new Board Members to serve a three year term commencing July 1 of next year, 2018. You need to be a Rotarian in our Club and be willing to meet once a month for an hour or so to discuss everything we need to manage and grow our Club. If you have never done it, volunteer. If you have done it before, step up again. The vitality of the Club and its stewardship belongs to each and every one of us. Is it your turn?? Club activities this month: Nov 15th Chipotle Fund Raiser for Interact at LHS. 4-8 PM at 14881 Detroit Ave. Lakewood. Nov 16th Lakewood / RR Chamber Joint Luncheon at Westwood CC. Nov 17th LCAC Bread and Food sorting at the Masonic Temple Lakewood. Nov 18th LCAC Food packaging and delivery. Masonic Temple Lakewood. Club Meeting Schedule: Nov 8th Club Assembly Nov 15th Walking the Appalachian Trail. Nov 22nd Peppers Restaurant Lakewood, Bob Buck. I hope to see you Wednesday. Chuck |
Greetings From President Chuck | 2017-11-05 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, We had a modest, but adequate, turnout for the Beck Center Cleanup. It was drizzly and cool, but your fellow Rotarians made fast action of the work under the watchful eye of our organizer, Bill Gaydos. A “Thank You” to: Jim Penning, Jim Rowe, Jim Harris, Mike Hamed, Lynda Carter, Maria Drummond, Bill Gaydos and myself. We had plenty of nutritious doughnuts and hot coffee. Can you have too many doughnuts? Each year the task gets easier as we seem to have been able to get ahead and stay ahead of the project. If only our Browns could be so fortunate to get ahead and stay ahead. Marty Harris has brought our Club the opportunity to read to elementary students at Harrison School in Lakewood. The program is intended to give children that are struggling a helping hand. Isn’t that what we do?? The teachers at the same school have provided us with another opportunity, this time to help them. On the day of Parent Teacher conferences usually the school PTA puts on an early dinner meal for the teachers. The PTA is not functioning well and they have asked us for help. Marty and Dave Bruedigam will discuss this and bring any special requirements to the members. More information at our meeting. November is Rotary International Foundation Month. Jim Penning will discuss the importance of the Foundation for a few minutes at each meeting this month. We all need to continue to support the International Foundation and the many things that the money supports. I realize this time of year everyone is shaking the money tree and RI is not much different in terms of financial needs. What sets RI apart from the vast majority of non-profits is the stewardship and frugal management of the foundation assets. Rotary International has a very low administrative expense and the distribution of much of the funds is managed at the local level to include international projects. Our rotary calendar looks like this: Nov 1 John Pyke. History of the RR Metro Park Nov 6 Club Assembly Committee Break Out, Fund Raiser, Board Nominees Nov 15 Walking the Appalachian Trail Nov 22 Bob Buck. Peppers Restaurant Outside of our Rotary Club Meeting: Nov 4 Interaction Event at Cuyahoga Falls HS. Interact from Lutheran West HS & Lakewood HS Clubs Nov 16 Lakewood & RR Chamber Joint Luncheon at WW CC Nov 17 Bread gathering and sorting at the Masonic Temple, LCAC Nov 18 Food packaging at the Masonic Temple, LCAC In your daily life, don’t forget the “ASK”. Are you interested in Rotary?? Would you like to donate and/or attend our Fund Raiser on February 9, 2018. Keep “Making A Difference”. Chuck 440-463-1100 |
Greetings From President Chuck | 2017-10-30 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, Good weather has continued to smile upon us. I'm hopeful everyone is taking advantage and getting their outdoor activity fix. No doubt we will pay the price this winter, so make the best of it. Our Interact and Exchange students at Lakewood HS have been busy. This weekend they had a party at Kirsten Senger's home and they are busy getting the Shelter Box display set up at LHS. They are selling painted rocks and challenging other groups to get involved to raise money to buy a Shelter Box for hurricane relief. Our guest speaker last week was Bryce Sylvester, the Director of Planning and Development for Lakewood. He did a great job presenting everything happening in Lakewood. Our guest speaker this week is a good friend of Dave Schaeffer, Andi Udris. Andi wears many hats, Economic Dev. Director for Brooklyn, CSU Professor and a co-owner of the Hofbrauhaus downtown. On the horizon we have: Nov 1 John Pyke - History of the Rocky River Reservation Nov 8 Club Assembly Nov 15 Walking the Appalachian Trail Nov 22 Bob Buck - Peppers Restaurant, Lakewood Nov 29 Corporal Herman Williams, USMC Dec 6 Club Assembly Dec 13 Vocational Presentation Outside of our Club Meetings: Oct 26 RRCC luncheon at Westwood CC. Dave Johnson on Cleveland's Winning Streak Oct 28 Beck Ctr. Clean Up 8-10 AM Oct 30 Noon Club Fred Mcleod with a 2017/18 CAVS update. RSVP Noon Club if you plan to attend. Nov 4 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Interaction event at Cuyahoga Falls HS. Lutheran West & Lakewood HS. Nov 16 Lakewood/RR CC joint luncheon at Westwood CC. I will be out of town this Wednesday and Jim Rowe will run the meeting. All the best, Chuck |
Greetings From President Chuck | 2017-10-22 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, Years ago I had a sports team coach that told me that it was more important to be available to play every game than to be the best player that played occasionally. Rotary is a little bit like that. Rotary meeting attendance means engagement, which equates to effectiveness and results. Not too many years ago, Rotary was adamant about meeting attendance and in recent years they have relaxed that policy. You can make up meetings with other clubs, make up online or just plain miss the meeting. But attending weekly meetings helps build comradery and keeps you in the know about projects and other activities. So my ask is that you do your level best to make as many meetings as you can. Our Club’s strength is in our members and we need everyone pulling as a team. Happenings Outside of Rotary Oct 19 5-7:30 PM at Forage in Lakewood. Noon /Sunrise Social Mixer. Oct 20 11:30 AM Luncheon at Brennan’s. Cleveland Clinic presenting on “Can Lakewood become the Healthiest City in America?” Lakewood CC Oct 21 TBA Halloween Party for the Exchange Students & Interact Students. Kristen Senger. Oct 26 11:30 AM Luncheon at Westwood CC. Dave Johnson presents Cleveland's Winning Streak Continues...On and Off the Field Rocky River CC Oct 28 8-10:00 AM. Beck Center Clean Up. Bill Gaydos. Nov 4 10:00-2:30 PM Interaction Event at Cuyahoga Falls HS. Interact from Lutheran and Lakewood HS. Nov 16 11:15 am. Lakewood/Rocky River Joint Luncheon at Westwood CC. Our Guest Speakers Oct 18 Bryce Sylvester. Economic Dev. In Lakewood. Oct 25 Andi Udris. Hofbrau House. Nov Rotary Foundation Month. Nov 1 John Pyke. Rocky River Metro Park History. Nov 15 Walking the Appalachian Trail. Nov 22 Bob Buck. Peppers Restaurant in Lakewood. See you Wednesday. Chuck 440-463-1100 |
Greetings From President Chuck | 2017-10-16 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, A little rain finds its way into everyone’s life occasionally and we got some much needed real rain early this Monday morning. We really didn’t need the rain cloud to include the Browns and Indians both losing yesterday, but our hope and aspirations can’t be deterred by one day of rain. So I guess the sports metaphor is to keep working to be better and win the next challenge in our daily lives. The help we all provide in our local communities is an important piece of the fabric that supports Rocky River, Lakewood and beyond. Our annual Fund Raiser which is February 9, 2018, is an important part of our effort by providing us with the funds needed for our programs. Please think about your contribution to this effort and what you can do to make the Fund Raiser a success. There is never a shortage of things happening in our communities that we do or could be involved in: Oct 12 2-7 PM at the Umerley Center RR Chamber Business Expo Oct 19 5:30-7:00 PM at Forage in Lakewood. Noon/Sunrise Club Social Mixer Oct 20 11:30 AM Luncheon at Brennan’s. Cleveland Clinic presenting on “Can Lakewood become the Healthiest City in America?” Lakewood Chamber of Comm. Oct 21 TBA Halloween Party for the Exchange & Interact Students. Kristen Senger. Oct 26 11:30 AM Luncheon at Westwood Country Club. Dave Johnson presents "Cleveland's Winning Streak Continues...On & Off the Field!" Rocky River Chamber of Comm. Oct 28 8-10:00 AM Beck Center Clean-up Project. Nov 4 10:00 AM - 2:30 PM Interaction Event at Cuyahoga Falls HS. Interact from Lutheran West and Lakewood HS. Nov 16 11:15 AM Lakewood/RR Chamber Joint Luncheon at Westwood CC. Our guest speaker program list is filling in very nicely thanks to your ideas and Jim Rowe’s hard work. Oct 11 Phil Ardussi. A history presentation on RR. Oct 18 Bryce Sylvester. Economic development in Lakewood. Oct 25 Andi Udris. Economic Devl. of Brooklyn , Professor at CSU & Cle Hofbrauhaus. Nov 1 John Pyke. Rocky River Metro Park history. Nov 15 Walking the Appalachian Trail. Nov 22 Bob Buck. Peppers Restaurant in Lakewood. I hope to see you this Wednesday Chuck 440-463-1100 |
Greetings From President Chuck | 2017-10-09 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Kim Murphy Newest Club MemberAll welcome Kim as our newest member of the Lakewood/Rocky River Sunrise Rotary Club!
Kim Murphy Newest Club Member | 2017-10-04 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings from President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, It is very difficult to pen an uplifting message when the news is filled with the details of the tragic events in Las Vegas. Couple this with the impact weather has had in our country and territories recently and you might think everything we know and love is lost. But I think it ought to motivate each of us to continue to do our part, big and small, “Making A Difference” in our community and world. So harness your passion, give thanks and work to make things better at every level possible. This week’s meeting is Club Assembly. We will report on any Board actions and we will gather by Committee to discuss our plans and activities. We will also converse about our upcoming Fund Raiser in February 2018. Please bring to our meeting any items you have for this event. The idea is that every month we all do our part by bringing in an item or two and before long we have the makings of a good auction. Wednesday we will also swear in our newest member, Kim Murphy, Director at O’Neill Healthcare in Lakewood. Let’s all welcome Kim and get her involved in our Club and make belonging to our Club a meaningful experience. I look forward to seeing everyone this week. Chuck 440-463-1100 |
Greetings from President Chuck | 2017-10-02 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings from President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, The weather outside is Hot, Hot, Hot. Maybe it's the old "We're having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave" or maybe it's just the fabled "Indian Summer". In any event, enjoy the warmth while it lasts. Our normal high this time of year is in the upper 60's. And yes, the leaves are turning and college football is moving into it's fourth week already. While our weather is unpredictable, how about those Indians?? October will be interesting for all of us Cleveland Indians fans and the predictions are good for the post season. On the Rotary front, this week at our meeting our own, Carol Barrett, will share why she "Stays in Lakewood". I'll bet we all have a variety of reasons why we reside where we do and I'm sure many of them will mirror Carol's feelings. I'm looking forward to Carol's presentation and I'm sure it will cause us all to reflect on the communities we live and work in and what we can continue to do to "Make A Difference". Please open your heart, home and any special activity to our exchange student Maria. Our Club's obligation is to make her experience as full and meaningful as we can. It could be a movie, dinner out, a neighborhood block party, a museum trip, maybe a ballgame. Whatever. Our Club Board voted at the last Board Meeting to support the exchange program in the 2018-2019 Rotary year. The financial obligation is the easy piece of this commitment. The real work is host families, a good cultural experience and integrating our guest into our own lives. Think about what you can do to "Make A Difference" in Maria's life. Enjoy the warmth. Chuck |
Greetings from President Chuck | 2017-09-24 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, The month of September is slipping away rather quickly. This past Wednesday at our meeting we had a special guest. Bill Pinter from Florida was in town. Bill was one of the driving forces to establish a morning club in addition to the noon club. He was kind enough to walk us down memory lane as well as share with us a little information about his Rotary Club in Florida. It was just a great visit. This week we will host Diane Vogt from HUGS. The HUGS Foundation supports a residential treatment center for sober living. They deal with chemical dependency and alcohol dependency. It’s always a timely topic and certainly one that touches many families lives. We look forward to her presentation. Outside of our meeting all of us are invited to the Hospice of Western Reserve West Campus Open House Oct 5 from 3-6PM. Mark the calendar for Oct 12, 2-7PM for the Annual Chamber sponsored Business EXPO at the Umerley Center. And please don’t forget our Auction Fund Raiser Feb 9, 2018. Do something this week to “Make A Difference”. Chuck 440-463-1100 |
Greetings From President Chuck | 2017-09-17 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President ChuckDear Rotarians & Friends, Watching the weather in Texas and Florida these past few weeks has been difficult. These historic weather events are devastating and they will change life’s trajectory for many of the people of these areas. So many people live on that ragged edge and these events can be more than they can manage. Think of these folks and what you can do to “Make A Difference”. In a recent publication, the greater Cleveland area was rated the second safest metropolitan area to live in following Syracuse for our weather extremes and geophysical considerations. It’s good to be in an area that is predictable and safe even if it does get snowy and cold. This past week at our meeting Marty Harris led the group discussion regarding our upcoming Fund Raising Event, February 8, 2018. As you move through this week and into the near future, think about who you will invite to attend and what items you can source for the auction. As you all know, for a variety of reasons we did not do a fund raiser this past year. This puts added pressure on all of us to make this event a big success. Each month our District #6630 publishes an online newsletter. Mike Johns has shouldered this activity for many years and he does a great job. He’s always looking for fresh material, usually with a direct Rotary connection, but occasionally an interest piece on someone or something noteworthy touched by a Rotarian in our District. Do you have something you would like to share regarding our Club or an activity that would be of general interest?? Send it to Mike and become a contributor. Let the District know what they are missing. Speaking of the District, our own Kathy “Buckeye” Berkshire will continue to work as the Assistant District Governor at least for ceremonial purposes. Thank you Kathy for your continued support to the District organization. Tonight is our Club Board Meeting at the Lakewood Public Library. This Wednesday’s meeting features Phil Ardussi from the Noon Club presenting “Rocky River, The Beginning”, a historical look at our city. This will be the first history piece by Phil and we also have Lakewood History coming soon as well. Phil is a historian and photographer by avocation and will make our meeting entertaining and interesting. Wednesday evening is the Annual Clambake at Clifton Beach sponsored by the Noon Club. A Clambake does mark the beginning of Fall. Go out today and “Make A Difference”. See you Wednesday. Chuck 440-463-1100 |
Greetings From President Chuck | 2017-09-11 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President ChuckDear Rotarians & Friends, I'm confident everyone has been enjoying Labor Day in spite of the not so perfect weather. How can it be September already. School is in session, football on TV and our Indians in the hunt for post season play. Time does just fly by. I recall my parents uttering that lament and now I'm living it. Speaking of time flying, the Noon Club is hosting their Annual Clam Bake at Clifton Beach, September 13th. This is a great event for Rotarians and families from both Clubs. Vicky Foster, President of the Noon Club, is the contact for your RSVP. Flyers about the event will be available at our meeting Wednesday. Wednesday's meeting will be a Club Assembly and the focus will be on our Auction Fund Raiser which is scheduled for February 9, 2018. Marty Harris is the Chair of this event and she needs the full support from every Club Member. On a somber note, Anne Giffels, Tom's wife, passed away this past week after a courageous battle with cancer. Anne attended many of our Club's events over the years and she was always a happy and supportive person of everything we did as a Club. Tom is a Charter Member of our Club and has served in many roles and Club Officer positions. We extend our deepest sympathy to Tom and his family. Calling hours are Wednesday, September 6, 3-7 at McGorray-Hanna Funeral Home, 14133 Detroit Avenue in Lakewood and a memorial celebration will be held at the Nicholson House on Saturday, September 9, beginning at 6. All the best in "Making A Difference". Chuck |
Greetings From President Chuck | 2017-09-04 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, What a wonderful fall like weekend to take us into Labor Day. While we bask in our great weather, say a prayer for the people touched by Hurricane Harvey. It’s just an amazingly large storm and it will take those directly affected months to recover. This week is another busy time for our Rotary Club. The Annual Golf Outing is today at Avon Oaks Country Club. Thank you Gordon Geiger for managing this event, yet another year, on behalf of our Club. This Wednesday, our new exchange student, Maria Drummond will speak to us and tell us about herself, her family and life in Brazil. Think about what you may be able to do to make Maria’s experience fuller and richer during her stay in Lakewood. What can you do this week to “Make a Difference”? Chuck 440-463-1100 |
Greetings From President Chuck | 2017-08-28 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings from President ChuckDear Rotarians & Friends, Our meeting this past Wednesday featured several young women from our Foreign Exchange program. We heard from Margaret McIllwee who was our outbound student to Germany this past school year. Maria Drummond, our new inbound student from Brazil, was present as was the Noon Club’s student, Amy, from France. Every year, these young people offer a glimpse of the future through their mature demeanor and friendly attitude. I think we can all take some credit and pride in our participation in this worthwhile program. This next week, Liz Manning, the Director of the Rocky River Chamber of Commerce, will be our guest speaker. Liz is always informative and will no doubt fill us in on all of the good things happening with businesses in Rocky River. Our Club is a member of the River Chamber and anyone of us is always welcome at their meetings as a representative of Rotary. Speaking of guest speakers, our calendar is filling up nicely with a good variety of presenters. The task of recruiting speakers belongs to us all, so if you know of an interesting topic and presenter, just give them an “Ask” and Jim Rowe will get them on our calendar. Just around the corner is the Annual Golf Outing which we co-sponsor. Gordy Geiger is our Club contact person and he’s still seeking foursomes, hole sponsors and auction items. Just send Gordy an email. Our yearly Auction Fund Raiser is on our calendar for Friday, February 9, 2018. It seems like a long way off, but it will be upon us very quickly. Start thinking about your guests and other invitees. Begin the task of soliciting auction items and maybe clear out some of your own personal treasures. Marty Harris is our Chairperson and she will need everyone’s participation to make our event another big success. I hope to see you this coming Wednesday morning. Chuck 440-463-1100 |
Greetings from President Chuck | 2017-08-18 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, This past Wednesday evening we had a Club Social gathering at Ken & Kathy Haber’s home in lieu of our morning meeting. The Haber’s did a fabulous job hosting the Club, our significant others and our newest Exchange Student, Maria Drummond, and her host family. The backyard setting was perfect, the food was great and the beverages flowed. It was just an all-around special night for our Club. Maria was tasked to draw the winner of the 50/50 raffle. That saw the winner, a friend of Steve Clark, take home $685.00. She also drew the winning ticket for the necklace generously donated by Broestl & Wallis. Kent Zeman’s wife was the lucky recipient and she wore her new jewelry home. It was just a great night and we had nearly every member in attendance. This coming Wednesday we will hear from Margaret McIlwee, a Lakewood High Student, about her experience as an outbound exchange student sponsored by our Club. Personally, I’ve always enjoyed these presentations and I’m always taken by the maturity and thoughtfulness of these young High School Students. Our Club can be proud of our ongoing support and sponsorship of incoming and outgoing exchange students and our other youth programs. We will also discuss our February Auction Fund Raiser as well as touch on new Membership opportunities. I hope to see you next Wednesday. Chuck 440-463-1100 |
Greetings From President Chuck | 2017-08-14 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, This past Wednesday evening a majority of our Club members met at St. Luke’s Church in Lakewood to package up all of the items we procured to support our project for the “Children Of The Dump” in Nicaragua. We packaged about 70 “Shoe Boxes” containing clothing, hygiene, school supplies and fun items for boys and girls. We also packed up “Layettes” for new mothers and babies. This project would not happen without the efforts of Bill Gaydos and his wife Jayne. Jayne gets credit for being the real driver behind our success, from the organization of bulk shopping, right through to the packaging. Not to be overlooked are our special shoppers: Todd, Tim, Carol, Gordon and Bob that helped with the bulk purchases. Our Club supplies about 10% of all the goods sent to this deserving cause. Thank you all for your individual contributions and efforts. We are a better Club for doing this each year. This coming Wednesday we will not have a morning meeting, but instead, we will gather at Ken & Kathy Haber’s home at 17897 Lake Rd., Lakewood, at 6:00 PM, for a Club Social. Ken and Kathy will provide beer, wine, pop and appetizers and a lovely back yard setting. We will also be drawing the winner of the 50/50 cash raffle and the winner of the Broestl & Wallis Fine Jewelers necklace they so generously donated. Please RSVP to Ken if you have not already done so. Thank you Ken and Kathy for your hospitality. As a reminder, we have a Board Meeting, Monday, August 7th, at 6:00 PM, at the Lakewood Library in the basement meeting room. Please make every effort to attend. Let’s all continue our work at “Making A Difference”. Chuck, 440-463-1100 |
Greetings From President Chuck | 2017-08-03 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, It’s the first day of August and it’s a picture perfect day. What a great way to move into the month of August. August is one of those transition months as vacations end and the kids begin returning to school. It will be a transition for our Club as well when we welcome our newest Foreign Exchange student, Maria Helena Drummond from Brazil. For Patty Boesken and Bill Minnich, August is their birthday month, so let’s all wish them many happy returns. The month of August will get off to a fast start with our August 2nd morning meeting and “Shoe Box” assembly at St. Luke’s Church that same evening at 5:30PM. The “Shoe Box” project is a fun event when we package up the goods for the shoe box distribution to the “Children of The Dump”. As always, food and beverages will be provided. August 9th at 6:00PM we gather at Ken & Kathy Haber’s home for an evening social event, our Jewelry Raffle and our 50/50 Raffle. Note we will not have a morning meeting on the 9th, so you are encouraged to attend the evening’s party. Appetizers and beverages are provided. Please RSVP to the Haber’s on Wednesday. August 28th is our annual Golf Outing which we share with the Noon Club and the Chamber of Commerce. This event is always well attended and a don’t miss it if you’re a golfer. Chat with Gordy Geiger for details. I hope to see you this Wednesday at our morning meeting and later that evening, so we can all continue working at “Making A Difference”. Chuck 440-463-1100 c |
Greetings From President Chuck | 2017-08-01 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, The month of July seems to be flying by. We are into the last full week of the month, so get out and take advantage of everything our area has to offer. As you move through the remainder of the month, think about how you can "Make a Difference". At the conclusion of our meeting this Wednesday, we will have a Fund Raiser Committee Meeting. If you volunteered to be on the committee, please plan to stay over for the meeting. This event will be our only major fundraising event and it is incumbent on every member to actively support this effort. The month of August is just around the corner and it is a busy month for the Club. We have "Shoe Box" assembly at St. Luke's Church, August 2, at 5:30PM. This is a fun event when we package up the goods for the shoe box distribution. Food and beverages will be provided. August 9th at 6:00PM we gather at Ken and Kathy Haber's home for an evening social event, our Jewelry Raffle and our 50/50 Raffle. Appetizers and beverages are provided. August 28th is the Annual Golf Outing, this year at Avon Oaks Country Club. I hope to see you this coming Wednesday at our meeting, so we can all continue working at "Making a Difference". Chuck 440-453-1100 c
Greetings From President Chuck | 2017-07-24 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, Our meeting this past Wednesday was a Club Assembly. We had a good conversation regarding the Club's Community activities as well as our involvement with students. I think it's fair to say we are always mentally reviewing our various activities and whether they are "Making A Difference". We can always add, delete or fix our efforts to make them serve our communities better. The Club has unanimously supported bringing back our annual fund raiser to the Don Umerley Civic Center and we have all of the space reserved for Friday, February 9, 2018. Marty Harris has graciously offered to Chair the event and we all owe her our "Thanks" and full support to make this a success. The support needs to come in the form of co-chairs and a 100% participation by every member. So mark it on your calendar now. We also discussed having every member solicit at least one weekly program speaker this year to address our Club. At the moment, Jim Rowe has championed this effort and he's done a great job. Bring those contacts to Jim and we can get these presenters into our schedule. The notion is that we all have different people or organizations we know of that do things that will be informative and interesting to our members. The month of August is just around the corner and it is a busy month for the Club. We have "Shoe Box" assembly at St. Luke's Church and the Annual Golf Outing at Avon Oaks Country Club. I hope to see you this coming Wednesday so we can all continue working at "Making A Difference". Chuck 440-453-1100 c
Greetings From President Chuck | 2017-07-13 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President ChuckDear Rotarians and Friends, I hope everyone had a great 4th of July celebration weekend. We had good weather, Bono in town and the Indians winning. What more do you need for the start of the month? July just feels like vacation time and I hope everyone has the opportunity to enjoy some of what summer offers. Our meeting this Wednesday will be a Club Assembly. We will report on our Monthly Board Meeting and we will have an opportunity to discuss our new Rotary year. I’m asking each of you to reflect on the things that you most enjoy about being a Rotary member and how we can improve and grow that experience and the Club. The Rotary motto for the year is “Making A Difference”. What can you do, what can we do as a Club, to continue “Making A Difference”? The month of August is just around the corner and it is a busy month for the Club. We have “Shoe Box” assembly at St. Luke’s Church and the Annual Golf Outing at Avon Oaks Golf Club. Just as a reminder, if you worked the Beck Center Clean Up and got free tickets to a show, they expire in mid August. I hope to see you this Wednesday. Chuck 440-453-1100 c |
Greetings From President Chuck | 2017-07-10 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings from President ChuckDear Fellow Rotarians, I would like to extend a “Thank You” to Ken Haber for taking the lead a year ago to assume the Presidency of our Club. It was a critical time and his service has helped us stay united and steady as a Club. I’m appreciative of the opportunity to serve as your Club President again and look forward to a fun year with your help. I know that we have a very strong group of members and we can grow and serve our communities and fulfill the 2017/2018 Rotary Theme of “Making A Difference”. Our Rotary International President, Ian Riseley, talks about “doing work that we know will change people’s lives - in ways large and small - for the better”. “Making A Difference” is what all of us have been doing and we will continue to do so. My goals for the year are centered around member engagement and providing a fulfilling experience for everyone while growing membership. Rotary membership is a bit of a journey. You may have joined after being encouraged by a friend or your life may have been touched by Rotary at sometime. Whatever the reason, our personal Rotary experience evolves and matures as each of us finds pathways and activities we enjoy. Find your path and help Rotary in the task of “Making A Difference”. This Wednesday’s meeting, our exchange student, Monica, will present her year in Lakewood. I’m sure it will be a heartfelt and entertaining presentation. I hope everyone has a great and safe 4th of July weekend celebration. All the best. Chuck |
Greetings from President Chuck | 2017-07-01 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
June Update
Posted by Jim Rowe on Jun 28, 2017
June has been a busy month for the Sunrise Rotary Club! We have the induction of our new President Chuck Drumm who takes over from Ken Haber. We have the induction of the new Officers and Board. We had our First Class of our Bill Pinter Award from our Foundation. And finally there was one more dance for Marti & Louis!
June Update | Jim Rowe | 2017-06-28 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Greetings From President KenJune 26, 2017 Good morning! Again, thank you all for the gift of the Rotary watch. At this week’s meeting, the induction of officers and new board members will be held and Louis Fricke, Noon Club Exchange Student, will give a presentation of his past year. Also, we will raffle off the 4 Premium Club seats for the August 9, 2017 Indians and Colorado Rockies game, starting at 12:10 PM. Reminders: Don’t forgot that you can purchase tickets at $20.00 each from Larry Faulhaber for the $2,000 Appraised Value Necklace donated by Jeff Broestl of Broestl and Wallis Fine Jewelers. Larry will have tickets at all the meetings until August 9, or until all 100 tickets have been sold. The winning ticket will be drawn during the social fundraiser to be held on Wednesday evening, August 9th at the home of the Haber’s. As of June 21st, 61 tickets have been purchased. Keep selling. Also, don’t forget to sell your 50/50 raffle tickets to benefit Sunrise Rotary Club projects. The winning ticket will be drawn during the social fundraiser to be held on Wednesday evening, August 9th at the home of the Haber’s. Members are expected to sell 10 tickets at $5 each. Please return sold ticket stubs and money to Tim Hill. If you need additional tickets, let Tim know. Upcoming events: July 5, 2017 – Monica’s Farewell Presentation July 10, 2017 – Board Meeting at the Lakewood Main Library Meeting Room July 12, 2017 – Club Assembly August 2, 2017 – Shoe Box and Layette Project President Ken |
Greetings From President Ken | 2017-06-26 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings from President Ken | 2017-06-18 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenJune 5, 2017 Good morning everyone. First, I want to thank Bill Gaydos for leading the Beck Center Clean-up service project this past Saturday and everyone who helped with trimming bushes, pulling weeds, raking, and spreading over 6 yards of mulch. Besides club members, we had special helpers, Bill Minnich’s two grandsons – Steve and Will, and Kirsten Senger and her husband Dave. Check out the pictures on the Club’s website. Don’t forgot that you can purchase tickets at $20.00 each from Larry Faulhaber for the $2,000 Appraised Value Necklace donated by Jeff Broestl of Broestl and Wallis Fine Jewelers. Larry will have tickets at all the meetings until August 9, or until all 100 tickets have been sold. The winning ticket will be drawn during the social fundraiser to be held on Wednesday evening, August 9th at the home of the Haber’s. Reminders: The monthly Board Meeting is tonight starting at 6:00 pm and will be held at the Lakewood Main Library Meeting Room. This Wednesday’s meeting will be Club Assembly. You will hear about the actions taken by the Board, including the 2017 – 2018 Budget and fundraising ideas for this coming year. This month’s list of birthdays has only one member on it, Bill Gaydos – June 28th. Please consider a donation to the Lakewood / Rocky River Sunrise Rotary Club Foundation of $1 or $2 per year to celebrate your birthday. Club’s Charter Night is scheduled for the evening of Wednesday, June 14, 2017, at Around the Corner in Lakewood. The event starts at 6:00 pm and dinner (Parmesan Crusted Chicken or Perch) will be served at 7:00 pm. The cost is $25.00 per person for the meal and there will be a cash bar. Please plan on bringing your spouse, partner or friend to enjoy the evening with us as we celebrate our Club’s 10th Anniversary, reflect on the past year and install the officers and new board members for the upcoming Rotary year. The program for the June 21, 2017 meeting will be the Annual Meeting of the Sunrise Rotary Club Foundation and report to the Club. President Ken |
Greetings From President Ken | 2017-06-04 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenGood morning everyone. I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend. This week’s guest speaker is Carl Casaveechia, Special Projects Manager for the Cleveland Metro Parks 100th Year Celebration. Don’t forgot that you can purchase tickets at $20.00 each from Larry Faulhaber for the $2,000 Appraised Value Necklace donated by Jeff Broestl of Broestl and Wallis Fine Jewelers. A photo of the necklace is shown above. Larry will have tickets at all the meetings until August 9, or until all 100 tickets have been sold. The winning ticket will be drawn during the social fundraiser to be held on Wednesday evening, August 9th at the home of the Haber’s. Reminders: The Beck Center clean-up has been rescheduled for this coming Saturday, June 3rd. Plan to meet at 8:00 am. The monthly Board Meeting is Monday, June 5, 2017, starting at 6:00 pm and will be held at the Lakewood Main Library Meeting Room. June 6, 2017, Meeting will be Club Assembly. Club’s Charter Night is scheduled for the evening of Wednesday, June 14, 2017, at Around the Corner in Lakewood. The event starts at 6:00 pm and dinner (chicken or perch) will be served at 7:00 pm. The cost is $25.00 per person for the meal and there will be a cash bar. Please plan on bringing your spouse, partner or friend to enjoy the evening with us as we celebrate our Club’s 10th Anniversary, reflect on the past year and install the officers and new board members for the upcoming Rotary year. The next Lakewood/Rocky River Rotary Social will be Thursday, June 15th, at 5:30 pm. Join us at Mellow Mushroom, 19333 Detroit Road, Rocky River, OH. These have morphed into more of a dinner and drink social. Hope to see everyone there! President Ken |
Greetings From President Ken | 2017-05-29 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenMay 22, 2017 Good morning everyone. I want to thank the following members who joined me last Tuesday evening, May 16th and volunteered at the Rocky River Assistance Program Food Bank to sort and pack food for needy families in our community…Larry Faulhaber, Marty and Jim Harris, Jim Rowe, Bill Gaydos, Carol Barrett, Linda Tallitsch, Jean Vahue and Costas Mavromichalis. Afterwards, a number of us gathered at a local restaurant for food and beverages. It was a fun and enjoyable evening. Also, I want to thank Carol Barrett for chairing the vocation service project this year and representing the Club, along with myself, at the annual West Shore Career- Technical District Student Recognition and Career Passport Assembly held at Lakewood High School this past Thursday. The Club sponsored the Work Ethic Award Winners and presented a gift card to each of the fourteen recipients. Reminders: The Beck Center clean-up has been rescheduled for Saturday, June 3rd. Club’s Charter Night is scheduled for the evening of Wednesday, June 14 2017, at Around the Corner in Lakewood. Learn more at this week’s meeting. The social fundraiser will be held on Wednesday evening, August 9th at the home of the Haber’s. The winner of the necklace will be announced at the event. President Ken |
Greetings From President Ken | 2017-05-21 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenMay 15, 2017 Good morning everyone. As the Club celebrates its 10th Anniversary as of May 12, 2017, I want to recognize all of the Rotarians that are Charter Members of the Lakewood – Rocky River Sunrise Rotary Club………….. Teresa Andreani, Kathy Berkshire, Patty Boesken, Bill Buckley, Mary Lou Call, Gary Clark, Doug Cooper, Rich Denman, (deceased), David Estrop, Bill Gaydos, Gordon Geiger, Tom Giffels, Marty Harris, Tim Hill, Todd Kiick, Lee Larson, Jim Rowe, Dave Schiska, George Shiekh, Terry Vincent. I want to thank Todd Kiick for sending out that email to everyone that reminded me of that memorable and jubilant evening at the Cleveland Yacht Club. Reminders: This Tuesday, May 16th the Club will be meeting at the Rocky River Assistance Food Bank, located at 20120 Detroit Rd. Rocky River from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (social to follow). Attendance will be taken, as this will replace our Wednesday morning meeting on May 17th. The Beck Center clean-up has been postponed and will be rescheduled. Stay tuned for the new date. Club’s Charter Night is scheduled for the evening of Wednesday, June 14 2017 at the Haber's home. There is no morning meeting that day. Remember, we will be celebrating the Club’s 10th Anniversary. If you want to help with the planning of this event, please contact Chuck Drumm. President Ken |
Greetings From President Ken | 2017-05-15 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenMay 8, 2017 Good morning everyone. All I can say is, GO CAVS! And, I hope everyone has dried out from all of the rain that we had last week. This coming week’s meeting is club assembly. We will have a club discussion on ideas for fundraising and then gather into the various committees to identify, prioritize and select service projects for the next Rotary year. The following week, Tuesday, May 16th the Club will be meeting at the Rocky River Assistance Food Bank, located at 20120 Detroit Rd. Rocky River from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (social to follow). Attendance will be taken, as this will replace our Wednesday morning meeting on May 17th. Reminders: The Beck Center clean-up has been postponed and will be rescheduled. Stay tune for the new date. Club’s Charter Night is scheduled for the evening of Wednesday, June 14 2017, location has not been selected yet. There is no morning meeting that day. Remember, we will be celebrating the Club’s 10th Anniversary. If you want to help with the planning of this event, please contact Chuck Drumm. President Ken |
Greetings From President Ken | 2017-05-08 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenMay 1, 2017 Good morning everyone. The Club’s fundraiser is less than three weeks away. Please continue to bring auction items and wine to this week’s meeting. We need every member to support this fundraiser to ensure our club can continue to fund the various community and international projects next year. I am asking that all members that have not picked up at least four tickets to sell, to please do so at this week’s meeting. Reminders: The Board meeting is tonight at the Lakewood Public Library Main Meeting Room, starting at 6:00 PM. This coming week’s meeting is club assembly. Election of board members will be held and you will learn about the Board’s activities and actions taken at this month’s meeting. Also, the various subcommittees will meet to work on the Club’s Fundraiser and its 10th Anniversary. Beck clean-up is scheduled for Saturday May 6th. We will meet there at 8:00 am. Our Club’s Fundraising event will be held on Saturday evening, May 20, 2017, at the Unitarian Church located at 20401 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River. We will also be celebrating our Club’s 10th Anniversary. President Ken |
Greetings From President Ken | 2017-04-30 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenApril 24, 2017 Good morning everyone. It is with a sad heart that I have to inform you that Robin Richards passed away last week of cancer. Friends may call at the Busch Funeral Home, 21369 Center Ridge Road, Fairview Park, from 2:00 – 4:00 pm and 6:00 – 8:00 pm on Tuesday, April 25, 2017. Here is the link with more details: Please keep Robin and her family in your thoughts and prayers. The Club’s fundraiser is less than four weeks away. Please continue to bring auction items and wine to this week’s meeting. We need every member to support this fundraiser to ensure our club can continue to fund the various community and international projects next year. I am asking that all members that have not picked up at least four tickets to sell to please attend this week’s meeting. District 6630 Annual Conference of Clubs was held this past weekend, April 21 – 23, 2017, at the Sheraton Suites, located at 1989 Front Street, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. I want to thank those club members who attended the conference and particularly Larry Faulhaber for putting together the club’s display. It looked great! Reminders: The Board meeting is next Monday, May 1st at the Lakewood Public Library Main Meeting Room, starting at 6:00 PM. Beck clean-up is scheduled for Saturday, May 6th. We will meet at 8:00 am there. Club’s Fundraising event will be held on Saturday evening, May 20, 2017, at the Unitarian Church located at 20401 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River. We will also be celebrating our Club’s 10th Anniversary. President Ken |
Greetings From President Ken | 2017-04-23 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenApril 17, 2017 Good morning everyone! I hope everyone enjoyed the Easter weekend with family and friends. Please keep Bob Sessions, who passed away last week, in your thoughts and prayers. We will all miss Bob’s smile and enthusiasm. Don’t forget, this Tuesday, April 18th the Club will be meeting at the Rocky River Assistance Food Bank, located at 20120 Detroit Rd. Rocky River from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (social to follow). Attendance will be taken, as this will replace our Wednesday morning meeting on April 19th. I will have tickets for the May 20th fundraiser with me for those who have already paid and for those who need tickets to sell. Reminders: District 6630 Annual Conference of Clubs is being held this week, April 21 – 23, 2017, at the Sheraton Suites, located at 1989 Front Street, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Please make plans to attend. You have until today at 5:00pm to register at: or call Cheryl at 330-495-9814. Club’s Fundraising event will be held on Saturday evening May 20, 2017 at the Unitarian Church located at 20401 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River. We will also be celebrating our Club’s 10th Anniversary. President Ken |
Greetings From President Ken | 2017-04-16 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenApril 10, 2017 Good morning everyone! This coming week’s program is Adaptive Paddle Boarding presented by Bill Cochran. The Club’s fundraiser is less than six weeks away, so it is very important for all members to be engaged in selling table sponsorships and tickets. The tickets have been printed and will be available at this week’s meeting. Finally, keep bringing your donations of wine and auction items to the meeting. Reminders: The Fundraising Committee will be meeting this Wednesday morning, immediately following this week’s Club meeting. District 6630 Annual Conference of Clubs is being held on April 21 – 23, 2017 at the Sheraton Suites, located at 1989 Front Street, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Please make plans to attend. You can register at: Club’s Fundraising event will be held on Saturday evening May 20, 2017 at the Unitarian Church located at 20401 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River. We will also be celebrating our Club’s 10th Anniversary. President Ken |
Greetings From President Ken | 2017-04-09 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenApril 3, 2017 Good morning everyone! This coming week’s meeting is club assembly. You will be given an update on the Board’s activities and actions taken at this month’s meeting. Also, the various subcommittees will meet to work on the Club’s Fundraiser and its 10th Anniversary. It is less than seven weeks away, so it very important for all members to be engaged to insure the success of this event starting with selling table sponsorships and tickets. Finally, if you haven’t already donated a bottle of wine for the auction, please do so. Reminders: The Board meeting is tonight at the Lakewood Public Library Main Meeting Room, starting at 6:00 PM. District 6630 Annual Conference of Clubs is being held on April 21 – 23, 2017 at the Sheraton Suites, located at 1989 Front Street, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Please make plans to attend. You can register at: Club’s Fundraising event will be held on Saturday evening May 20, 2017 at the Unitarian Church located at 20401 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River. We will also be celebrating our Club’s 10th Anniversary. So, save the date and start getting the word out to your family, neighbors and friends. Finally, the Lakewood/Rocky River Rotary Club would like to invite us to a Social/Networking event on Thursday, April 6 at 5:30 pm. To be held at the Rocky River Wine Bar. President Ken |
Greetings From President Ken | 2017-04-02 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenMarch 27, 2017 Good morning everyone! So, are your NCAA brackets busted? Mine are. This week’s program will be Fred DeGrandis to talk about health care. I want to thank Kirsten Senger and Marty and Jim Harris for planning and leading the project this past Saturday at Laura’s Home. There were a number of members from the Lakewood High School Interact Club that participated in serving soup and sandwiches to approximately 60 women and children that live at Laura’s Home. It was a great example of Rotary Serving Humanity. Reminders: The Board meeting is next Monday, April 3rd, at the Lakewood Public Library Main Meeting Room, starting at 6:00 PM. District 6630 Annual Conference of Clubs is being held on April 21 – 23, 2017 at the Sheraton Suites, located at 1989 Front Street, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Please make plans to attend. You can register at: Prices go up after March 31st so register now! Club’s Fundraising event will be held on Saturday evening, May 20, 2017, at the Unitarian Church located at 20401 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River. We will also be celebrating our Club’s 10th Anniversary. So, save the date and start getting the word out to your family, neighbors and friends. Finally, the Lakewood/Rocky River Rotary Club would like to invite us to a Social/Networking event on Thursday, April 6, at 5:30 pm, at the Rocky River Wine Bar. President Ken |
Greetings From President Ken | 2017-03-26 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenMarch 20, 2017 Good morning everyone! And welcome to the first day of Spring. This week’s program will be David Johnson, Director Public Relations for the Global Center for Health Innovation. The Doc issued me a “get out of jail card” last week, so I look forward to seeing all of you at the meeting. Reminders: This coming Saturday, March 25th, at 11 AM, plan to join the Club’s Lakewood High School Interact Club serving lunch at Laura’s Home, located at 18120 Puritas Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, 44135. A sign-up sheet will be circulated at this week’s meeting. You can also contact me if you plan to volunteer. District 6630 Annual Conference of Clubs is being held on April 21 – 23, 2017 at the Sheraton Suites, located at 1989 Front Street, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Please make plans to attend. You can register at: Club’s Fundraising event will be held on Saturday evening May 20, 2017 at the Unitarian Church located at 20401 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River. We will also be celebrating our Club’s 10th Anniversary. So, save the date and start getting the word out to your family, neighbors and friends. Finally, the Lakewood/Rocky River Rotary Club would like to invite us to a Social/Networking event on Thursday, April 6 at 5:30 pm. To be held at the Rocky River Wine Bar. President Ken |
Greetings From President Ken | 2017-03-19 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings from President KenMarch 13, 2017
Good morning everyone!
Don’t forgot, this Tuesday, March 14th the Club will be meeting at the Rocky River Assistance Program Food Bank, located at 20120 Detroit Rd., Rocky River, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (social to follow). Attendance will be taken, as this will replace our Wednesday morning meeting on March 15th.
The following week, March 22nd, the program will be David Johnson, Director Public Relations for the Global Center for Health Innovation. Given the Doc issues me a “get out of jail card” later this week, I will be joining all of you at this meeting. I want to thank Chuck D., Jim R. and Dave C. for filling in for me during my absence.
District 6630 Annual Conference of Clubs is being held on April 21 – 23, 2017 at the Sheraton Suites, located at 1989 Front Street, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Please make plans to attend.
Club’s Fundraising event will be held on Saturday evening May 20, 2017 at the Unitarian Church located at 20401 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River. We will also be celebrating our Club’s 10th Anniversary. So, save the date and start getting the word out to your family, neighbors and friends.
President Ken
Greetings from President Ken | 2017-03-12 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Club Anniversary and Fund Raiser
Posted by Jim Rowe
Dial M for Murder
All...the time has come for our 10th Anniversary and our Annual Fund Raiser!
Please check the link (below LEFT) to order your tickets on-line!
Saturday May 20, 2017 6:00 - 9:00pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church 20401 Hilliard Boulevard Rocky River
More info to follow!
Club Anniversary and Fund Raiser | Jim Rowe | 2017-03-08 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Greetings From President KenMarch 6, 2017
Good morning everyone!
As a reminder, this evening’s Board meeting has been cancelled due to a lack of a quorum. If there is a need for board action prior to the April meeting, I will call one.
This coming week’s meeting is club assembly. The various committee chairs will have the opportunity to report out on upcoming service projects and any announcements. Also, you will hear from Dave Clements, who will review web access to ticket sales for the Club’s Fundraiser event to be held on May 20, 2017.
Club’s Fundraising event will be held on Saturday evening May 20, 2017 at the Unitarian Church located at 20401 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River. We will also be celebrating our Club’s 10th Anniversary. So, save the date and start getting the word out to your family, neighbors and friends.
President Ken
Greetings From President Ken | 2017-03-05 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
President Ken
Posted on Feb 26, 2017
February 27, 2017
Good morning everyone!
At this week’s meeting, Wednesday, March 1st, our guest speaker will be Dave Segrue from Uptown Lakewood Business Alliance. Jim Rowe will lead the meeting in my absence. Also, if someone is willing to give the invocation please let Jim know prior to the start of the meeting. Thank you.
Club’s Fundraising event will be held on Saturday evening, May 20, 2017 at the Unitarian Church located at 2401 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River. We will also be celebrating our Club’s 10th Anniversary. So, save the date and start getting the word out to your family, neighbors and friends.
March 3, 2017 is the District event to celebrate the Rotary Foundation at Hale Farm and Village. The cost is $25 per person. The District is asking every club to donate an item, a basket or an experience. Our Club is donating a wine basket in support of the event. Please let Jim Rowe know if you have registered to attend the event.
From tracking emails, it looks like there will not be a quorum for the Board Meeting scheduled for March 6, 2017, therefore I am cancelling the meeting. If board action is required prior to the April meeting, I will call one.
President Ken
President Ken | 2017-02-26 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings from President KenFebruary 20, 2017
Good morning!
I want to thank the following members who joined me last Tuesday evening, February 14th and volunteered at the Rocky River Assistance Program Food Bank to sort and pack food for needy families in our community…Larry and Rosemary Faulhaber, Mike Hamed and his son, Marty and Jim Harris, Jim Rowe, Jim Penning, Bill Gaydos, and Monica Fujiwara. Afterwards, a number of us gathered at a local restaurant for food and beverages. It was a fun and enjoyable evening.
The program for this coming week’s meeting will be a vocational speech given by our fellow Rotarian, Kent Zeman. In my absence (knee replacement on the right leg), either Chuck Drumm or Jim Rowe will lead the meeting. I should be back by mid-March.
Club’s Fundraising event will be held on Saturday evening, May 20, 2017 at the Unitarian Church located at 20401 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River. We will also be celebrating our Club’s 10th Anniversary. So, save the date and start getting the word out to your family, neighbors and friends.
March 3, 2017 is the District event to celebrate the Rotary Foundation at Hale Farm and Village. The cost is $25 per person. The District is asking every club to donate an item, a basket or an experience. Our Club is donating a wine basket in support of the event.
Cleveland Clinic Lakewood has stepped up to host this year’s Ambulance Chase - a highly-anticipated community event for over fifteen years. This annual spring tradition of fun and fitness is scheduled for Sunday morning, May 7, at Lakewood Park. Proceeds from the event will benefit Beck Center for the Arts’ Creative Arts Therapies. For information or to register, visit racing/events/ambulance chase or contact Hermes at 216.623.9933.
President Ken
Greetings from President Ken | 2017-02-19 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenFebruary 13, 2017
Good morning!
Don’t forget, this Tuesday, February 14th, the Club will be meeting at the Rocky River Assistance Food Bank, located at 20120 Detroit Rd., Rocky River, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (social to follow). Attendance will be taken, as this will replace our Wednesday morning meeting on the 15th.
Club’s Fundraising event will be held on Saturday evening, May 20, 2017 at the Unitarian Church located at 20401 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River. We will also be celebrating our Club’s 10th Anniversary. So, save the date and start getting the word out to your family, neighbors and friends.
March 3, 2017 is the District event to celebrate the Rotary Foundation at Hale Farm and Village. The cost is $25 per person. The District is asking every club to donate an item, a basket or an experience. Our Club is donating a wine basket in support of the event.
President Ken
Greetings From President Ken | 2017-02-12 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenFebruary 6, 2017
Good morning! If you are a football fan, you saw a historical game last night.
The Doc issued me a “get out of jail card” last Thursday, so I am looking forward to seeing all of you at this week’s club meeting.
This coming week’s meeting is club assembly. After the committee meetings, I will ask the committee chairs to report out on upcoming service projects and any announcements. Also, you will hear from the Fundraising Committee an update on the current planning of the Club’s Fundraising event.
The Board meeting is tonight, Monday, February 06th at the Lakewood Public Library Main Meeting Room, starting at 6:00 PM.
Don’t forgot, next Tuesday, February 14th the Club will be meeting at the Rocky River Assistance Food Bank, located at 21020 Detroit Rd. Rocky River from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (social to follow). Attendance will be taken, as this will replace our Wednesday morning meeting on the 15th.
March 3, 2017 is the District event to celebrate the Rotary Foundation at Hale Farm and Village. The cost is $25 per person. The District is asking every club to donate an item, a basket or an experience.
President Ken
Greetings From President Ken | 2017-02-06 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenJanuary 30, 2017
Good morning!
I hope everyone is in good health and that Chuck D. and Jim P. are recovering quickly from their skiing advantage. Also, please keep Robin R. and Bob S. in your thoughts and prayers. For me, I am making very good progress with the physical therapy plan for my left knee.
The program for this week’s meeting is Marilyn Zeidner and Guest from the Valley Riding Center.
The next Board meeting is February 6th.
February 4th is the Cluster lunch at Youth Challenge. It would be nice to have at least six people from our club attend.
March 3, 2017 is the District event to celebrate the Rotary Foundation at Hale Farm and Village. The cost is $25 per person. The District is asking every club to donate an item, a basket or an experience.
President Ken
Greetings From President Ken | 2017-01-29 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenJanuary 23, 2017
Good morning!
My recovery from the surgery (total knee replacement on the left leg) is progressing very well.
I want to thank all of you who attended last week’s service project meeting the Rocky River Assistance Program Food Bank. Jim Rowe was kind enough to send me a picture of the group. A great looking group of Rotarians. Thanks to Kathy for taking the lead on this.
The program for January 25, 2017 will be a vocational speech by our newest member, Linda Tallitsch.
February 4, 11:30a is the Cluster Lunch at Youth Challenge. The next Board meeting is February 6th.
March 3, 2017 is the District event to celebrate the Rotary Foundation at Hale Farm and Village.
President Ken
Greetings From President Ken | 2017-01-22 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenJanuary 16, 2017
Good morning!
My surgery (total knee replacement on the left leg) went very well this past Wednesday. I was home the next day and met with the physical therapist last Friday afternoon. I have my list of exercises that need to done daily (like boot camp) and a weekly schedule of in-house sessions with the physical therapist. Unfortunately, I am confined to the home until I see the doctor on February 2, 2017. So, Chuck Drumm and Jim Rowe will be filling in for me over the next couple of weeks.
Don’t forgot, this Tuesday, January 17th the Club will be meeting at the Rocky River Assistance Program's Food Bank, located at 21020 Detroit Rd. Rocky River from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (social to follow). Attendance will be taken, as this will replace our Wednesday morning meeting on the 18th.
No meeting this Wednesday, January 18, 2017.
The program for January 25, 2017 will be vocational speeches.
President Ken
Greetings From President Ken | 2017-01-15 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenJanuary 9, 2017
Good morning!
The program for this week’s meeting is our rotary exchange student, Monica Fujiwara, who will be playing the piano.
Don’t forget, on Tuesday, January 17th the Club will be meeting at the Rocky River Assistance Food Bank, located at 21020 Detroit Rd. Rocky River from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (social to follow). Attendance will be taken, as this will replace our Wednesday morning meeting on the 18th.
The Board meeting is tonight, Monday, January 9th at the Lakewood Public Library Main Meeting Room, starting at 6:00 PM.
The cluster lunch with Youth Challenge will be February 4, 2017 from 11a.m. -1 p.m. at the Youth Challenge facility. At this time, we will present Mary Sue Anter with the check from our cluster as well as a Life Time Achievement Award. It would be good if our club is well represented at this event. A sign-up sheet will be circulated at the January 25th meeting.
President Ken
Greetings From President Ken | 2017-01-08 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenJanuary 2, 2017
Good morning!
As each of you compose your list of resolutions for this coming year, please include that you will attend as many club meetings as possible and to be actively engaged in the club’s service projects and the upcoming fundraiser event. Thank you.
Fundraising Committee is meeting at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, January 3rd at Panera’s in Lakewood.
This coming week’s meeting is club assembly. I will ask the committee chairs to report out on upcoming service projects and any announcements. Also, you will hear the Fundraising Committee’s update on the current planning of the Club’s Fundraising event, to be held on Monday, April 24, 2017 at the Beck Center for the Arts.
President Ken
Greetings From President Ken | 2017-01-01 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenDecember 26, 2016
Good morning! Wishing you and your families a joyous holiday season. It is appropriate at this time to reflect on our club’s contributions to our communities during this past year and how we have help people in need. As Rotarians, we all should feel pride of our serves to others.
We had a great traditional Christmas meeting and party last week, with plenty of fellowship and of course singing. A special thanks to Charles Eversole and Dave Clements.
No meeting on Wednesday, December 28th.
Fundraising Committee is meeting at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, January 3rd at Panera’s in Lakewood.
Happy New Year!
President Ken
Greetings From President Ken | 2016-12-26 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings from President KenDecember 19, 2016
Good morning!
I want to thank the following Rotarians who helped with the LCAC Christmas Food Distribution this past weekend. On Friday evening – Larry Faulhaber, Dave Breudigam and Chuck Drumm; and on Saturday morning – Jim Rowe, Patty Boesken, Marty Harris, Bob Calsin, Dave Clements, Jean Vahue, Chuck Drumm, Bill Gaydos, Bill Minnich, and Ken Haber. Also, students from our Interact Club at Lakewood High School along with Monica Fujiwara were there Saturday morning as well as students from our new Interact Club at Lutheran West with their advisor Steve Fuchs.
At the December 21st meeting, Charles Eversole will be attending and leading us in singing Christmas carols. We will be holding our annual gift book exchange and hopefully, Santa may make an appearance. Also, we will have as our guest speaker, Lauren Kreuger, talk about the importance of shopping locally.
No meeting on Wednesday, December 28th.
The cluster lunch with Youth Challenge will be February 4, 2017 from 11a.m. -1 p.m. at the Youth Challenge facility. At this time, we will present Mary Sue Anter with the check from our cluster as well as a Life Time Achievement Award.
Merry Christmas!
President Ken
Greetings from President Ken | 2016-12-19 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenDecember 12, 2016
Good morning. Snow has finally arrived on the west-side of Cleveland, and its staring to feel a bit like Christmas.
For sure, this coming week’s meeting is club assembly. I will ask at the meeting if any of the committee chairs have any announcements. The majority of the time will be spent on organizing for the Club’s Fundraiser, to be held on Monday, April 24, 2017 at the Beck Center for the Arts.
At the December 21st meeting, Charles Eversole will be attending and leading us in singing Christmas carols. Also, we will be holding our annual gift book exchange.
The Board meeting is tonight at my house, starting at 6:00 PM.
President Ken
Greetings From President Ken | 2016-12-11 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenDecember 5, 2016
Good morning.
If you haven’t yet, please visit the club’s home page at and update your member’s information. To start, click on the “Member Login” at the top-right corner of the page. After logging in, click on the “Member Area”, which is at the top of the page, next to your name. A new page will open, select “Edit my Profile” under the heading marked “My ClubRunner”. A new page will open displaying all of your personal information. Please verify that the information listed is accurate and complete. Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this review.
This coming week’s meeting is club assembly. I will ask at the meeting if any of the committee chairs have any announcements. The majority of the time will be spent on organizing for the
Club’s Fundraiser, to be held on Monday, April 24, 2017 at the Beck Center for the Arts.
If you haven’t already given your gift cards to Kathy Berkshire, please bring them to this week’s meeting.
President Ken
Greetings From President Ken | 2016-12-04 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenNovember 28, 2016
Good morning.
I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday.
Our rotary exchange student, Monica, needs a ride to Columbus on Saturday, December 3rd. Please contact Marty Harris for the specifics.
At this week’s meeting our guest speaker will be Kevin O’Boyle, Court Appointed Special Advocates – Children in Need.
If you haven’t already given your gift cards to Kathy Berkshire, please bring them to this week’s meeting.
President Ken
Greetings From President Ken | 2016-11-27 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenNovember 21, 2016
Good morning.
I want to wish everyone and their families a Happy Thanksgiving. Especially at this time of the year, it is important to be thankful for what each of us has…our families, our friends, our neighbors and our country.
Thanks to each of you for helping out last Friday evening and Saturday morning with the LCAC food distribution to 300 families in Lakewood. Check out the photos that Jim Rowe took on Saturday morning. It was wet, cold and windy, but we were all smiles.
Talking about pictures, check out the photos taken last Friday morning, when Kathy Berkshire and Jean Vahue presented to Lutheran West Interact Club their certificate of organization.
Our rotary exchange student, Monica, needs a ride to Columbus on Saturday, December 3rd. Please contact Marty Harris for the specifics.
Remember there is no meeting this week.
If you are available, plan to attend the fundraising committee meeting this evening at Panera Bread, 19705 Center Ridge Rd., Rocky River starting at 6:30 p.m.
At our next meeting, Wednesday, November 30th, our guest speaker will be Kevin O’Boyle, Court Appointed Special Advocates – Children in Need.
President Ken
Happy Thanksgiving,
Greetings From President Ken | 2016-11-20 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Take a look at LCAC Food Drive Photos
Posted by Jim Rowe on Nov 19, 2016
Today we helped the LCAC Thanskgiving food drive! Take a couple of minutes to see a few photos of Rotarian's On the Job!
Take a look at LCAC Food Drive Photos | Jim Rowe | 2016-11-19 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Greetings From President KenNovember 14, 2016
Good morning.
I want to personally thank Margaret Morgenstern, Dave Schaeffer, and Michael Hamed for volunteering to serve on our Rotary Club Board. Thank you for your commitment to our club and the willingness to serve others.
Below are the dates regarding the proposed Rocky River Assistance Program’s Pack and Sort Volunteer service project. The time is from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. and the location is at the Adult Activities Center at 21020 Detroit Road, Rocky River. The proposal is that the club membership would meet on these Tuesday evenings instead of meeting on the following Wednesday morning. Also, it has been suggested we could have a social hour immediately following.
Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2017
Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2017
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Remember the Rotary’s Four-Way Test and share it others.
This week’s presentation will be given by our member, Dave Clements, who will show us how to navigate Rotary’s Club Runner software. So, remember to bring your own laptop, tablet, or (like me) paper and pencil to take notes.
This coming Friday, November 18th and Saturday, November 19th we are gathering to help LCAC with their food distribution in Lakewood.
President Ken
Greetings From President Ken | 2016-11-14 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenNovember 7, 2016
Good morning.
I hope everyone had an opportunity to get outside this weekend to enjoy the great weather we had.
The month of November is designated Rotary Foundation Month. As we celebrate the Foundation’s 100 years of Doing Good in the World, I ask each of us to consider making a donation to the R.I. Foundation and/or our Club’s foundation.
First, remember to get out and VOTE tomorrow.
This week’s meeting will include an update on actions taken by the Board and a presentation by Jim Penning regarding the Rotary Foundation. Also, there will be time for committees to meet to review upcoming planned activities for the next couple of months.
The Board is meeting today at the Lakewood Public Library Main Meeting Room, starting at 6:00 PM.
President Ken
Greetings From President Ken | 2016-11-06 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenOctober 31, 2016
Good morning.
I have only two things to mention this week. GO TRIBE! And, Happy Halloween!
This week we will receive an update on the Club’s foundation from Gordon Geiger and Larry Faulhaber. Also, the next Board meeting is Monday, November 7th at the Lakewood Public Library Main Meeting Room, starting at 6:00 PM.
President Ken
Greetings From President Ken | 2016-10-30 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenOctober 24, 2016
Good morning.
Yesterday was an entertaining day as Rotary International held The Rotary Foundation Centennial Celebration in Cleveland, Ohio hosted by Rotary District 6630. The performance by the Cleveland Orchestra was magnificent and the music was incredible. The concert included works by Beethoven, Claude Debussy and John Williams. Also, there were three special video segments highlighting the history of Rotary. At the end of the performance, the orchestra played “Let there be Peace on Earth” and the entire audience joined in song. It was a memorable moment.
A Centennial Celebration Dinner was held at the InterContinental Cleveland to honor donations to The Rotary Foundation in honor of The Foundation's 100th Anniversary. The evening’s events also included a very special induction of four members into the Arch Klumph Society with some traveling from as far away as the Philippines to be honored in Mr. Klumph’s hometown.
This week we will hear from Dr. Judy Welsh, Cleveland Clinic and Chief Scott Gilman, City of Lakewood Fire Department, regarding Lakewood Emergency Services and Response. Plan to bring a friend, a neighbor or an associate to this week’s meeting.
President Ken
Greetings From President Ken | 2016-10-24 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenGood morning.
For those who were unable to attend last week’s meeting, you missed a very inspirational story given by Dee Salukombo, a Congolese refugee and a 2016 Olympian. This week we will hear from Bryce Sylvester, Planning Director for the City of Lakewood. Plan to attend and bring a friend.
On Monday, October 17, 2016 The Lakewood Board of Education will publicly recognize our club, along with the Noon club, for our ongoing contributions and programs that benefit students of the Lakewood City Schools. The meeting starts at 7:00 PM in the Horace Mann Elementary School Cafetorium. The school address is 1215 W. Clifton Blvd. Lakewood, Ohio. All Rotarians who plan on attending, should arrive by 6:50 PM.
President Ken
Greetings From President Ken | 2016-10-16 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President Ken | 2016-10-09 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President Ken | 2016-10-02 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President Ken | 2016-09-25 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President Ken | 2016-09-18 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President Ken | 2016-09-11 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President Ken | 2016-09-05 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings from President Ken | 2016-08-28 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President Ken | 2016-08-21 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings from President KenAugust 15, 2016
Good morning!
Thanks to Kathy B., Bill G. and Larry F. for volunteering this past Saturday at the Cluster Event- Youth Challenge. We were joined by approximately 20 other Rotarians and washed, I believe 13 vans. We all had a great time. The website to purchase tickets for The Rotary Foundation Centennial Celebration, to be held on Sunday, October 23, 2016 in Cleveland is
This week’s guest speakers are from the Lakewood Historical Society, Greg Palumbo and Kathy Haber. Also, one of our Club members will receive a special recognition at the meeting, so plan on attending to honor them. It could be you.
Finally, I need a couple of members to take turns providing the invocation at our weekly meetings. Todd and Bill have done this over the past couple of months and I am sure they would appreciate if a couple other members would step-up and help.
President Ken
Greetings from President Ken | 2016-08-14 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings From President KenAugust 8, 2016
Good morning!
Thanks to all of you that helped with assembling the shoe boxes and layettes for the children of Nicaragua last Tuesday. At this week’s meeting we will be greeting this year’s exchange student, Louis, from Germany. There is still an opportunity to sign-up for the Cluster Event- Youth Challenge to be held on Saturday, August 13th, to help with washing their vans.
Finally, I will provide a summary of the Board Meeting held on July 27th.
President Ken
Greetings From President Ken | 2016-08-07 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings from President Ken
Posted by Ken Haber on Jul 04, 2016
July 4, 2016
Happy 4th of July! I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday weekend.
As your incoming President, I ask that all club members plan to attend this week’s meeting to welcome in a new year of Rotary. It is important that we all renew our commitment to Rotary and to our Club. It is my hope that together we can provide stability and foundation to supporting the continued growth in the Club’s mission and membership. This meeting will be a club assembly.
See you this Wednesday.
Greetings from President Ken | Ken Haber | 2016-07-04 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Greetings From President DaveGreetings Rotarians,
We are moving into that time of graduation, and other life time events that cause changes to occur in our lives. Some of you may have children or grandchildren who will be graduating this year. Others may be finishing up their own studies and some may be anticipating other changes such as a move, new job new responsibilities. Whatever is happening in each of your lives it is always comforting for me to know that when we embrace these changes and events we always end up learning and growing.
As I look to a summer full of travels to many different countries I relish in the fact that I will have to deal with change and adaptability on a daily basis. I can’t help but think about other Rotarians all over the world and the changes and adaptability that many of them face on a daily basis. We truly are blest in this country to enjoy the freedoms and the lifestyle that we enjoy.
When we started this journey together back in July I asked each of you to write down on a slip of paper what you were going to do this year to be a blessing to the world. At our event in June I will bring out those slips of paper and post them on a board. I would hope that many of you have been that blessing this past year.
On Thursday June 16 at Clifton Beach we will come together to celebrate this past year, to raise funds for the coming year and to present awards to many of you. I would hope that all of you will plan on coming to enjoy this event with your friends, club members and community leaders.
Please plan on coming to Rotary this week as it is our club assembly and you will have the opportunity to begin to plan and create budgets for the coming year. I also have been told that a wonderful skit will be presented to kick off the marketing for our event in June. Have a great week and I hope to see all of you at Rotary.
Dave Clements
Greetings From President Dave | 2016-05-10 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings from President DaveGreetings Rotarians,
Today I received notice that one of my dear friends is facing a health crisis in his life. He has always been healthy and now he is having to face being told that he has a terminal illness. When I learned of this news it started me thinking about just how quick things can change in our lives.
Change will always be a part of our lives and how we choose to deal with it will always be a part of our challenge. This past weekend as I attended the District Conference business meeting I learned about new changes and directives from Rotary International.
One thing that was particular exciting to me was the emphasis away from weekly attendance and more on member engagement. This is something that our club started a year ago and has continued to practice this past year. Coming weekly to our meetings is great but the real growth and experience occurs in Rotary while you are engaged with other club members in a service project.
Some of my most memorable experiences with Rotary are those times when I worked with many of you filling food bags at Thanksgiving or trimming weeds and bushes at the Beck Center or helping to feed families at the Hospice Center.
Our club is changing and growing and what always stays the same is the fellowship and concern that each of you show toward one another. This is truly service above self. Sometimes it is just a kind word or other times a pot of soup being taken to a member or just a friendly hello. It is comforting to know that I have a Rotary family and that if I ever need anything any of you would be there for me.
So change will always be with us. But one thing that helps us to deal with change is supportive people in our lives. Rotary can and does offer that support. Thank you to all of you for your service, your examples and your commitment to be of service to others.
Please mark your calendars for May 4th. We will be meeting at the Lakewood High School Ranger Café as we celebrate the young people of WEST Shore Career Tech. Join us for breakfast. Cost is $10 and you can contact myself or Carroll for tickets.
In addition please save the date of June 18th. This will be our annual Charter night as well as a fundraiser for our club.
Dave Clements
Greetings from President Dave | 2016-04-28 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings from President DaveGreetings Rotarians,
I am preparing to leave on Saturday for another working session (2 Weeks) in Chicago. I have been thinking about this past Rotary year and how the theme has been, “Be a Gift to the World”. In a few more months we will be holding our annual Charter Night and will have an opportunity to look back on this year. In looking forward to that night I started thinking about our club and all of you. My thoughts are included below: Do you know what your greatest gift to the world is? We all have so much to offer the world, if only we could see our own greatness. And yet, so many of us tend to hold ourselves back, in case we stand out too much. We don’t want our light to shine. But as Marianne Williamson said, "who are you not to let your light shine?" We all have greatness within us and the challenge most of us face is accepting and acknowledging that greatness.
Maybe not everyone has to become a Gandhi or a Mandela. Maybe it’s okay to just shine in our own world and make a difference in our own way, no matter how “small". If you have read The Alchemist by Paulo Coello, you will have read how the main character goes on an epic desert adventure, only to find that the treasure he has been seeking was in his home all along. In the same way, our greatness and ultimate happiness is within us and the clues are all around us. So ask yourself these questions:- What am I really, really good at? What’s my greatest gift to the world? Then, “Live your life in such a way that you make a difference to people whilst you sleep.” –Jaz Rasool
Ultimately when it comes down to it, your happiness comes from what you bring to the world and those around you. It’s not about the size of your house or the speed and engine capacity of your car. All that matters at the end of the day is what YOU bring to the world.
What will it take to live my best life? What does living my “best” life mean to me? These are all life changing questions only you can answer. Take some time out and look within – you already have all the clues you need to find out just what your gift to the world is. Then go out and share your gifts with the world. And allow yourself to become the greatest gift to the world.
Thank you Rotarians for the gifts that each of you have been sharing this past year. It was great to gather together at our offsite on Wednesday evening and to have over 30 Club Members present. We all took time to enjoy each other and to celebrate Gordy’s being a new grandfather. This is what Rotary fellowship and community is all about. Many of you have taken time to reach out to Robin and to take things to her and to spend time visiting with her. This is another example of Rotary in action.
We have three months left in our Rotary year. I challenge each of you to make a decision this day to be a gift to someone and to do something for someone else. I look forward to hearing about each of your experiences and how you were a “Gift to the World”. All the best to everyone. The club for the next 2 weeks is in good hands with Mark and the board. I look forward to catching up with all of you when I return.
Dave Clements |
Greetings from President Dave | Dave Clements | 2016-04-04 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||
AYF Auction RecapOn Sunday, March 20, Lakewood-Rocky River Sunrise Rotarians gathered at the Lakewood United Methodist Church to support students raising funds to attend AYF Camp Miniwanca. Bill Gaydos served as the Celebrity Auctioneer and Marty Harris organized the event with Lakewood High Students. A delicious pasta dinner and homemade baked desserts were enjoyed by all.
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AYF Auction Recap | 2016-03-29 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Rotary Supports AYF AuctionWe have one week before the AYF auction. Please buy tickets for the auction scheduled for March 20, at Lakewood Methodist Church, located at the corner of Summit and Detroit in Lakewood. The festivities begin at 5:30. It includes an Italian dinner. Many of the youth will be auctioning a wide variety of services that you will find very useful. In addition there will be lots of fun filled baskets. Please bring a bottle of wine and/or a lottery ticket to add to the fun of the evening.
Rotary Supports AYF Auction | Marty Harris | 2016-03-08 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Greetings from President Dave"If life hands you a lemon, make lemonade."
I have often taken strength from this phrase and because of a situation that occurred this week I came to fall back on it. That got me thinking as to the origin of it. The phrase was initially coined by Christian anarchist writer Elbert Hubbard in a 1915 obituary he penned and published for dwarf actor Marshall P. Wilder. The obituary, entitled The King of Jesters, praises Wilder's optimistic attitude and achievements in the face of his disabilities: "He was a walking refutation of that dogmatic statement. His was a sound mind in an unsound body. He proved the eternal paradox of things. He cashed in on his disabilities.”
Although the expression was coined by Hubbard, many modern authors attribute the expression to Dale Carnegie who used it in his book How to Stop Worrying and Start Living. Carnegie's version reads: "If You Have a Lemon, Make a Lemonade." Eight years before Carnegie's book brought the phrase back into the mainstream, a poetic rendition of the phrase entitled The Optimist appeared in a 1940 edition of The Rotarian: "Life handed him a lemon,
As Life sometimes will do,
Assuming he was through. They came upon him later, Reclining in the shade In calm contentment, drinking A glass of lemonade." I wonder how we can apply this to our own lives today. We never know when we will get handed a lemon. For some it is the ending of a relationship, for others a change of jobs, not of their own choosing, and for others a business or personal loss. Whatever the event, circumstance or situation, how we choose to deal with it can, and often, makes all the difference in the world.
As Rotarians we have the community within in our club. The fellowship and the friendship that is fostered is amazing to me. Thank you all for helping me to make lemonade from the lemons that are a part of our life experiences.
On Wednesday the president from the West Shore Rotary club will be talking to our club about a project that he would like our club to be involved with. It is a great way to help a group of people make lemonade from the challenges that they have been dealing with. The president will be talking with our club about an organization called, Youth Challenge. I invite all of you to join us this Wednesday morning.
Dave Clements |
Greetings from President Dave | Dave Clements | 2016-03-08 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Greetings from President DaveGreetings Rotarians,
Can you believe that March is here? Where have the months of January and February gone? The older I become it seems like time moves faster and faster. Our Rotary year is quickly moving forward. We do have some important dates to keep in mind for the month of March. They are listed below:
Here our two thoughts for all of you to ponder this week. One from Steve Jobs: “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition."
Psychologist Carl Jung said, “"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens."
Have a great week and plan to attend this week’s meeting as we continue to plan service and other projects for our club to be engaged in. Come share your ideas and voice. What you have to say is important.
Dave Clements |
Greetings from President Dave | Dave Clements | 2016-02-29 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Sunrise Rotary Supports AYF Leadership CampFor many years since the founding of the Sunrise Rotary in 2007, the Club has provided funds for scholarships to the American Youth Foundation Leadership Camp at Lake Miniwanca in Michigan. Past President, Marty Harris, and her family have attended the camp and are aware of the impact it has had on the lives of the many high school students who have attended. The American Youth Foundation is a nonprofit that inspires more than 6,000 youth each year to discover their best selves and make a difference in their communities and the wider world. For over 85 years, Camp participants have learned how to live a balanced life through mental, physical, spiritual, and social activities.
Several of the past Club Auction Gala’s have raised funds for scholarships to assist students in attending the camp. This year a special Rotary sponsored event will be held on Sunday, March 20, beginning at 5:30 pm at the Lakewood United Methodist Church. It will include a Pasta Dinner and Auction Fund Raiser. Tickets are only $15 per person. You can support the event first by attending the event with your family as well as providing auction items for a raffle.
Marty will be collecting Wine for a Wine Basket raffle at upcoming Wednesday morning meetings. At the event, Potential Campers will be raffling off their services such as indoor and outdoor clean up projects, baby sitting, or even providing entertainment at a family event. Another idea would be to contract with a student to match funds that he or she can raise up to a specified level, up to the cost of a Camp Scholarship, expected to be about $960 in 2016. Marty will have tickets for the Dinner and Fund Raiser at Club meetings, and you can contact her regarding donating an auction item or sponsoring a camper at or 216.221.1665.
Sunrise Rotary Supports AYF Leadership Camp | Larry Faulhaber | 2016-02-22 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Sunrise Rotarian Todd Kiick Honored with Paul Harris AwardRotarian Todd Kiick was presented with a Paul Harris award at our meeting last Wednesday, February 17th.
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Sunrise Rotarian Todd Kiick Honored with Paul Harris Award | Joe Laco | 2016-02-22 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Greetings from President DaveGreetings Rotarians,
It appears that winter has finally arrived in NE Ohio. I must admit as I walked outside this morning the snow on the trees did provide a beautiful view of nature and all of her wonder. Just think, in another month we will be celebrating spring.
Last week many of you came to Ames Family Hospice and helped to serve dinner to the patients and their families as well as the staff at the facility. A big thank you to for Maureen for putting this service project together.
An article came across my in box this past week that I wanted to share with all of you regarding just how Rotary can be of service in a community that is going thru crisis.
“Rotary members respond to Flint, Michigan, water crisis” By Amy Krug, president of the Rotary Club of Flint, Michigan, USA
“We have been heartened by the outpouring of support from Rotary members in response to the water crisis in our city of Flint, Michigan. In April of 2014, a switch in the source of water from Lake Huron to the Flint River without an appropriate corrosive control plan resulted in erosion of pipe scale, lead solder, and lead copper joints which allowed the release of this lead into our water supply.
While the crisis is now news throughout the United States, work has been taking place on the ground for many months. Systems are in place to begin to address the immediate needs of families impacted by this emergency. Fire stations, churches, and community partners have been serving as points of access for families in need of water or water filters, while local agencies have been collecting and distributing donations as they come in. We have been working with Rotary clubs throughout our area to coordinate some of this generous response”
It is good to know that all of us are a part of something that in communities all over the world dedicated and responsive Rotarians come together to give service and to band together around projects in their communities that do and are making a difference.
I invite each of you to join us for our meeting this week where we can come together and be a part of the Rotarian community.
Greetings from President Dave | Dave Clements | 2016-02-16 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Prom to RememberOn April 8, 2016, Unforgettable Prom Foundation, Inc., dba A Prom to Remember will partner with the Ritz-Carlton, Cleveland, to host the sixth annual A Prom to Remember. This event will allow teens with cancer to experience the feeling of a true prom. The prom comes at no cost to these courageous teens. Every girl invited to this prom will need a dress to wear and we need your help to make this possible. We are looking for dresses in current styles, all sizes and colors. Dresses should be clean and ready to wear. We are also accepting donations for purses, jewelry, wraps and other accessories.
You can make a donation at Lakewood Hospice 14601 Detroit Ave., Suite 100
Prom to Remember | Maureen Shannon | 2016-02-16 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Greetings from President DaveGreetings Rotarians,
I so enjoyed last week’s meeting and the way in which all of you were engaged with your different committees on planning projects and events for our Rotary Club. This is what Rotary is all about. Many projects are in the planning stages and many are unfolding in the next weeks and months ahead. Thank you to all of you for being engaged and for stepping up and helping to make our club and work that we do effective and memorable.
As you know what we do takes money and that is why we will be holding a fundraiser the end of April, first part of May. A group of club members met last week and are working out the details so stay tuned and in the next few weeks we will be announcing the plans. This fundraiser is being designed to be a fun activity that will be affordably priced so that club members can bring their families and friends at a reasonable cost. If you have concerns, issues, or want to be a part of the planning committee, please talk to myself or Mark.
This week’s speaker is William DiMascio. He is from the West Shore Career Tech. Each year our club has sponsored a breakfast where we honor the accomplishments of students that are part of this program. Bill will be talking about the program as well as the plans that are in place this year for the breakfast that our club will be sponsoring. Please plan to attend and to learn more about this great organization and all that they do to prepare and provide opportunities for high school students in Westlake, Bay Village, Rocky River and Lakewood communities.
Our club is also involved in helping to serve dinner on Thursday at 5:30. Maureen is still looking for volunteers to assist her with this service project. Thank you again for all that all of you do for Rotary. Have a great week and hope to see many of you at our meeting this week.
Dave Clements
Greetings from President Dave | Dave Clements | 2016-02-09 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Swim-a-Thon![]() Lakewood/RR Rotary Club to Host Swim-a-thon Fundraising Swim-a-thon Slated for March 13th
Join us in making a big splash for our local Rotary Club and Girls With Sole at an upcoming Swim-a-thon!
Rotary member and event coordinator Harlan Radford is planning to host a fundraiser at the Rocky River Recreation Center swimming pools on Sunday, March 13. The time for this event is scheduled from 8:30am to 10:30am and the recreation facility is located at 21012 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River, Ohio 44116.
Rotary Club members are encouraged to either participate in the swim and obtain pledges from others or make a donation to the “Rotary Club Foundation” or “Girls With Sole”. This event has been a huge success over the past five years and we would like your support. Promotional materials, sign-up sheets and timely informational announcements will be made throughout the months of February and March. Please direct all inquiries to Harlan Radford at
Swim-a-Thon | 2016-02-08 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings from President DaveGreetings Rotarians,
Let me say that it is great to be back home in Cleveland. The month was a great success but I did miss each of you and having the opportunity to meet and greet you each week. Mark and our board have done a fantastic job in my absence. A big thank you to them. This week is our monthly club assembly meeting. Please plan to attend and let your voice be heard as we continue to plan service projects and other opportunities that our club can be engaged in.
Here is a thought for the week:
"Be yourself. If you water yourself down to please people or to fit in or to not offend anyone,
you lose the power, the passion, the freedom and the joy of being uniquely you. It's much easier
to love yourself when you are being yourself."
Dan Coppersmith ---
Have a great week and I hope to see all of you on Wednesday morning.
Dave Clements
Greetings from President Dave | 2016-02-01 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Dinner at Ames Family HospiceRotarians - join us on Thursday, February 11th, when we serve dinner to our friends at the Ames Family Hospice. Dinner will be catered by Brennan's but we need help to plate and serve the dinner.
Please mark your calendars for Thursday, February 11th and plan to join us.
Dinner at Ames Family Hospice | Maureen Shannon | 2016-01-24 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Greetings from President DaveGreetings Rotarians,
It doesn’t seem possible that we begin our last full week of January. Where is the time going? This past week while working I was looking for a thought I could share with my team. I came across the thought, “Why Today Matters”, perhaps some of you will gain some perspective from it as I did.
"Today is not just any ordinary day. Today is a day that matters. Today you will have the choice to make a difference in your life and those around you. Today you will have the choice to smile rather than frown, be grateful rather than selfish, lift up rather than put down, accept rather than reject and love rather than hate. Today you will have the choice of seeking hope for the future or remain in the hopelessness of the past. Today you have the choice to laugh or cry. Both will make you feel better. Today you will have the undivided attention of the King of the Universe. At that time you can ask Him anything you want. You can ask for help, plead for a friend or just enjoy His presence. It all depends on you. Whichever you choose, today matters. Make the choice to make it a day worth living. And don't forget, tomorrow is another day."
May all of you have a great week. I shall be flying back to Cleveland on January 31st and look forward to seeing all of you at our Club Assembly meeting on Wednesday February 3rd.
Dave Clements :-)
Greetings from President Dave | Dave Clements | 2016-01-24 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Dinner at Laura's HomeOn Sunday, January 24th, Marty Harris organized 20 volunteers (7 Rotarians, 6 Interact students, 7 friends of Rotary) to assist with dinner at Laura's Home. Our own Michael Parry works to fundraise for the City Mission. Laura's Home is a part of the Mission that services women and children in need. Michael provided a comprehensive tour of the home prior to the dinner service. It was very enlightening and eye-opening for everyone.
Dinner included lasagna, apple sauce, salad, fruit punch and cookies. Kudos to Marty who did a phenomenal job organizing the event, purchasing the food and coordinating the volunteers. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Dinner at Laura's Home | Joe Laco | 2016-01-23 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
January Interact UpdateInteract is getting ready to kickoff the New Year!
Please mark your calendars and plan to join us on January 31st.
January Interact Update | 2016-01-11 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings from President DaveGreetings Rotarians,
It seems hard to believe that we are already starting our 2nd week of the New Year. Where does the time go? Hopefully by now all of you have made your New Year’s resolutions and are well on your way to accomplishing those goals that you wish to achieve this year.
As I write this note I send greetings from the windy city of Chicago where the temp presently is all of 1 degree with a high today of 9. Hopefully Cleveland is a little warmer. It was exciting for me to be present at our last week’s meeting and to watch the committee process of Rotary in full planning mode. Thank you to all that attended and for the suggestions and plans that were made.
Our club will soon be putting together a slate of members to serve on the board for next year. Please consider taking advantage of this unique opportunity. Mark will be our president and he could use the advice and experience of those of you who have been in Rotary for a while. If you are interested please contact myself or Mark.
This week in rotary you have a great treat. Bob Calsin will be sharing with the club his experiences of being in Central America and thoughts and ideas of opportunities that the club could get involved with. Make sure not to miss this meeting. In addition mark your calendars for January 19th as a networking opportunity to bring your friends who have wondered about just what type of people are involved with Rotary. See Heidi or Mark or Larry for more information regarding this event.
I shall miss all of you but will be back in the Cleveland area in February. Keep up the great work and enjoy having this opportunity to fellowship together.
Dave Clements
Greetings from President Dave | Dave Clements | 2016-01-11 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Greetings from President DaveDear Rotarians,
A new year has begun and we are officially half way through our Rotary year. It seems like yesterday we were just beginning this journey together. As I look to the next six months I would hope that as a club we will continue to grow and to be a place where club members feel welcome, share in fellowship and work side-by-side performing service to this community.
This year’s theme is “Be a Gift to the World.” When I look back over the past six months I can see how many of you have been that gift to the club, to the community and to the world. Thank you for your commitment to Rotary and to wanting to be engaged in Service.
As your president it is my hope that in these next six months as a club we will strengthen our committee work and that each of you will take the time to become engaged with the committee that you signed up with in July. The ideas, the organization and the set up and follow through that occurs in the committee
work is the strength of our club.
We now have our newly created foundation and it my hope that in these next six months that our foundation will begin to meet and carry out the work that it was created to do. Our fellow Noon club in 2016 will be giving away to qualified candidates well over $56,000 in grants. We have a long ways to go but at least we now have a foundation that can begin to grant monies to worthy candidates.
Membership is the life blood of any organization and it is my hope that we will be able to have four additional new members become a part of our club in these next months. We all know people who would make great Rotarians. I challenge each of you to reach down and start inviting your friends and associates to a Rotary meeting.
Serving in the leadership in a Rotary club is always challenging but very fulfilling. In these next few months we have opportunities for club members to serve on our Rotary Club board. For those of you who have had this opportunity in the past I invite you to consider stepping up and volunteer to serve again. Mark Ondrejech will become our President starting in July and he could use some experienced Rotarians to advise him and assist him on the board.
As always I thank each of you for your support, your ideas and for being the leaders that you are. Let’s make these next six months a great experience for all and let’s all continue to work together, play together and to serve together.
Please start the year off in a good way by coming to Rotary on Wednesday. We will be having out monthly club assembly and you need to be there to share your ideas and to offer your support. After the meeting on Wednesday morning I will be getting on an airplane to fly to Chicago and beyond. I will be gone until February 1st. I shall miss all of you but leave you in good hands with Mark and the members of our Leadership team. Thank you again for this opportunity.
Dave Clements
Greetings from President Dave | Dave Clements | 2016-01-05 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Rocky River Assistance Program Food Sort
Posted by Joe Laco on Dec 21, 2015
On Tuesday, December 15th, three Sunrise Rotarians (Larry Faulhaber, Steve Cornelius and Joe Laco) and three friends of Rotarians gathered to assist the Christmas Food sort for the Rocky River Assistance Program. The Rocky River Assistance Program serves close to 70 families every Thanksgiving and Christmas. During the rest of the year families are provided assistance every other month.
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Rocky River Assistance Program Food Sort | Joe Laco | 2015-12-21 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
LCAC Christmas Food Distribution 2015
Posted by Joe Laco on Dec 21, 2015
On Saturday, December 20th, Lakewood-Rocky River Sunrise Rotarians gathered to distribute food for the Lakewood Charitable Assistance Corporation's Christmas Food Drive. LCAC serves 300 families during their Thanksgiving and Christmas food drives.
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LCAC Christmas Food Distribution 2015 | Joe Laco | 2015-12-21 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
RRAP Food Drive Sort - Tue. NightCalling all Rotarians - we would like to invite all club members and their families to participate in the Rocky River Assistance Program December food drive sort. This will occur on Tuesday, December 15th at 6:30pm. We will meet at the Rocky River Adult Activity Center/SAW - 20120 Detroit Road at the side entrance. This sort should last 1-1/2 to 2 hours at most. Furthermore, this is a great activity for the whole family so please extend the invitation to children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews!
RRAP Food Drive Sort - Tue. Night | Joe Laco | 2015-12-13 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
LCAC Christmas Food DriveLakewood-Rocky River Sunrise Rotarians - we need your help again! Its time for the LCAC Christmas Food Drive!!!
LCAC Christmas Food Drive | Joe Laco | 2015-12-13 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Greetings from President DaveGreetings Rotarians,
I realized this weekend that this coming Wednesday will be our last club meeting for the year. What a wonderful year this has been. What a great opportunity we have to be a gift to the world. In July, at our first meeting, I asked each of you to write on a piece of paper how you were going to be a gift to the world this year.
I ask at this time, as the year draws to a close, for each of you to think back upon that commitment that you wrote down and to once again re-commit to being a gift to the world. I thank each of you for the gift and the light that you have been to me this past year. So many of you have given of your time, talents and presence so freely to this club. Thank you for that service.
May this holiday season be a memorable one for all of you and for your families. May we all look forward to 2016 and continuing to be, “A Gift to the World”. We have a lot of work still to do next year. I thank the Board and the Officers of this club and the leadership and direction that they provide.
May each of you truly enjoy a Holiday season of light and may 2016 be a year of continued growth for each of you. I thank you as always for this opportunity to be your president and look forward to continuing to work with all of you in performing service above self in 2016.
If you haven’t been to a meeting for a while please make an effort this week to attend. The director of the “Singing Angels” will be our performer. We will sing songs, exchange a wrapped book, (please bring a wrapped book to share) and have a visitor from the North Pole. I hope to see all of you this Wednesday. Happy Holidays to all of you!
Dave Clements
Greetings from President Dave | Dave Clements | 2015-12-13 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Singing AngelsHappy Holidays Rotarians - save your voices and get ready to sing on Wednesday morning!
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Singing Angels | Dave Clements | 2015-12-13 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Elf Night Photos![]() ![]() |
Elf Night Photos | 2015-12-09 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Elf Night at the Polar ExpressOn Monday, November 30th, 13 elves boarded Jim Harris's, Jenny Suremmee's and Kirsten Senger's cars to travel to Peninsula, Ohio to bring out their fairy dust for the children on the two trains who were visiting the North Pole. A great time was had by all at the Winking Lizard where they spotted a raccoon named Doug who came down to enjoy the fun. Hope you all will be able to join us next year. We missed you! The kids on the Polar Express were as cute as ever with their little noses against the train windows.
Elf Night at the Polar Express | Marty Harris | 2015-12-07 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Rotarian Bob in Nicaragua for Shoe Box DeliveryLarry Faulhaber communicated that Rotarian Bob Calsin is currently in Nicaragua passing out shoe boxes. Bob is expected home Wednesday evening.
Rotarian Bob in Nicaragua for Shoe Box Delivery | Joe Laco | 2015-12-06 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Greetings from President DaveDear Rotarians,
What a great time of year this is. Many of you enjoyed time together this past week at Bill’s home. Thank you, Bill, for opening up your home. This time of year is truly a time of giving and receiving. I came across this article the other morning about gifts that we all can give that don’t cost us anything. When I read this I thought of the club and each of you and the gifts that you offer.
No interrupting, no daydreaming, no planning your response. Just listening.
Be generous with appropriate hugs, kisses, pats on the back and handholds. Let these small actions demonstrate the love you have for family and friends.
Clip cartoons. Share articles and funny stories. Your gift will say, "I love to laugh with you."
It can be a simple "Thanks for the help" note or a full sonnet. A brief, handwritten note, could be remembered for a lifetime, and may even change a life .
A simple and sincere, "You look great in red," "You did a super job" or "That was a wonderful meal" can make someone's day.
Every day, go out of your way to do something kind.
There are times when we want nothing better than to be left alone. Be sensitive to those times and give the gift of solitude to others.
The easiest way to feel good is to extend a kind word to someone. Really, it's not that hard to say "Hello" or "Thank You."
Have a great week and hope to see many of you this coming Wednesday at our morning meeting. Mark your calendars for Wednesday, December 16th, as that day we will have the director from the “Singing Angels” come and play for us. Bring a book that you have read that you want to share, if we are all good I hear that Santa may even make an appearance.
Dave Clements
Greetings from President Dave | Dave Clements | 2015-12-06 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Speaker Grace LavelleHello Rotarians - this Wednesday our speaker will be Grace Lavelle. Grace traveled to Germany as our club-sponsored student in 2014-2015 school year. Below is a picture of Grace with her pin jacket.
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Speaker Grace Lavelle | Marty Harris | 2015-12-06 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Rocky River Assistance Program Thank YouSunrise Rotarians - thank you for a terrific job supporting Rocky River Assistance Program. This year our club did the following -
Finally, we are inviting all club members and their families to participate in the Rocky River Assistance Program December food drive sort. This will occur next Tuesday, December 15th at 6:30pm. We will meet at the Rocky River Adult Activity Center/SAW - 20120 Detroit Road at the side entrance. This sort usually lasts 2 hours at most and is great for all members in the family.
Thanks again for Taking Action to serve our community!
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Rocky River Assistance Program Thank You | Joe Laco | 2015-12-05 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Greetings from President Dave
Posted by Dave Clements on Nov 30, 2015
Greetings Rotarians,
I hope that everyone had a very restful yet enjoyable Holiday Weekend. I was discussing Rotary with a good friend from California yesterday and I told him about our club. I shared with him how much our club has come together these past few months. He wanted to know how it happened and I was reminded of a question that I use in my business consulting. The question I first ask is this, “Are you
being a part of the problem or PART OF THE SOLUTION?”
When I look back over the last 6 – 8 months of our club history it is exciting to me how many of you have stepped up to the plate and are being a part of the solution. I think of Bob C. and Ken H. who early on offered their time and talents to help our club form our own foundation. Mark O. stepped up to the plate and used his experience in seeing our application through and kept on it with all of the paper filing until we were granted our 501c status.
Steve C. and Sabina K. came together and led our strategic plan work and put together a survey that captured key information from all of you. We learned from all of you what type of projects you want to be involved in and what you like most about this club. Then Joe L. stepped up and offered to assist with our weekly club communication. Maureen S. stepped up and is taking on the task to document our exchange student process. Patty B., Barb S. and Jean V. are working on publicity projects and had pumpkins for every club member at our meeting before Halloween.
Something for each of you to think about as you consider our club, ask yourself, “Am I being part of the problem or part of the solution”. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you and to lead this club. I am so thankful for each of you and for what you do and share with this club. May we all continue to grow and serve together!
Dave Clements
P.S. Just a reminder our club meeting this week will be at 6 pm at Bill Minnich’s home. Please bring a $15.00 gift card for the Rocky River Assistance Program.
Greetings from President Dave | Dave Clements | 2015-11-30 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Interact Club / Exchange Student UpdateTwo quick items to update you on regarding our Interact/Exchange Program.
Interact Club / Exchange Student Update | Marty Harris | 2015-11-30 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Interact Club UpdateThe Interact Club had a great time distributing food for the Lakewood Charitable Assistance Corporation program and looks forward to doing it again for Christmas! Our next event is Nov. 30th when we will be elves at the Cuyahoga Railroad Polar Express. We hope Rotarians will meet us at Winking Lizard and join us for this event. The group will also bring Christmas gifts for Providence House such as children's books, winter hats, boots, mittens, diapers and pull-ups.
Interact Club Update | Marty Harris | 2015-11-22 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Rocky River Assistance Program - Christmas Assistance
Posted by Joe Laco on Nov 22, 2015
Happy Holidays Rotarians!
This year our Club will be helping needy families in Rocky River through the Rocky River Assistance Program.
There are two opportunities to assist - we are calling on all Rotarians to help out.
Thanks for assisting RRAP!
Warmest Regards,
Community Service Committee
Rocky River Assistance Program - Christmas Assistance | Joe Laco | 2015-11-22 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Happy Thanksgiving Rotarians
Posted by Dave Clements on Nov 22, 2015
Happy Thanksgiving Rotarians, Thank you to those who assisted on Saturday with the Lakewood Charitable Assistance Corporation's food drive and on Friday night with the packing of the bread. May this coming week be truly one of thanks as you gather with family and friends and celebrate. The other morning I came across this message below and was inspired by it and wanted to share it with all of you. I hope that all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and remember to join us for our next meeting On December 2nd at 6 pm at Bill Minnich’s home. (17834 Lake Road Lakewood 44107) Sincerely,
The Essence of Thanksgiving: by Charles Henderson As Thanksgiving draws near, we are very much aware of the arrangements that must be made for the celebration. Grocery shopping, guests to be invited, travel arrangements to be confirmed, calculations on the cooking of the bird. For most of us the machinery of Thanksgiving has already been set into motion, and in just a few days we will sit down to share a Thanksgiving supper. But as Christians we must ask, what is the inner meaning of this holiday? What is the fitting symbol of Thanksgiving? A traveler from Mars, looking down upon millions of homes across America this Thanksgiving morning might easily be confused. For the sight of all those faces, those wide eyes, those expressions of wonder and delight as the turkey is brought to the table might lead our Martian visitor to the hasty conclusion that we gather each year to worship the turkey goddess. Obviously the turkey is not an entirely fitting symbol for Thanksgiving. Perhaps our more fitting symbol of Thanksgiving would be that picture postcard image we all hold of that first Thanksgiving feast. There stand the hearty Pilgrims, gathered around the fruit of the harvest. Bound by a common faith, they seem the very image of fortitude in the face of adversity. As we look back across these 300 years and compare their situation with our own, its tempting to be nostalgic about the past. If we could only find the courage and the confidence which made that first Thanksgiving possible, perhaps our problems would seem less daunting. If we are to celebrate thanksgiving with prayers of praise that will not fade, if we are to give thanks with smiles that are more than superficial, we must set our priorities straight. The essence of Thanksgiving is not to be found in the cost of the goods and services that may fill our horn of plenty. The important things are the resources we bring to adversity. What strength can we call upon when these earthen treasures fail? To give thanks is to stand up in the face of the storm and declare that life is worth living. To give thanks is to assert that the whole of creation is one great act of God's love. May we give thanks this Thanksgiving, not because all things are good or easy, but simply because we know that this troubled world with all its evil and all its good is cradled in the arms of a loving God. |
Happy Thanksgiving Rotarians | Dave Clements | 2015-11-22 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Christmas Party at Bill Minnich's HouseEveryone is invited to a holiday gathering on December 2 at the home of Susan and Bill Minnich, 17834 Lake Road, Lakewood Ohio, starting at 6:00 PM. There will be a full buffet so no one needs to prepare dinner or go away hungry. Bring your spouse, partner, friend, prospective member, etc and have a relaxing evening by the fire.
Parking on the street must be on the north side and the drive can be used if not full or you don't mind a delay if the vehicle behind yours is not moved.
Bill's home phone number is 216-221-8526 if needed.
Christmas Party at Bill Minnich's House | Bill Minnich | 2015-11-22 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Tuesday Night is Social NightGood Afternoon Rotarians,
I hope everyone had a great weekend. This weather has been amazing! I mentioned at our last club assembly that the Membership Committee would be starting a new Weekly Social Event. Starting Tuesday, November 17th -- we will have a standing social event at the Lakewood Lizardville. It is in the basement of the Winking Lizard. I added this to our Club Runner Calendar. We hope this social event will be an opportunity for Club Members and Guests to enjoy fellowship and have the chance to make deeper friendships and collaborate on Rotary initiatives. If you plan to bring a prospective member please email a member of the Membership Committee just to give a heads up. We’ll make sure to have an info packet for the guest.
Committee includes Heidi, Mark, Terry, Robin, Jen and Larry. Hope to see many of you there! Any questions just let us know.
Thanks, Heidi
Tuesday Night is Social Night | Heidi Finniff | 2015-11-16 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Greetings from President DaveGreeting Rotarians,
I am so saddened by the news that has come out of Paris France. My nephew was in the city and thank God he and his girlfriend are safe. It sure helps me to put things in perspective and to look at all of the relationships I have in my life and to say thank you. How senseless and how sad that a group of people can be so brainwashed as to believe that it is ok to take innocent lives.
On a much happier note, Congratulations to Gordon Geiger for a successful Grand Opening of his new store in Downtown Cleveland. We are all happy for you in this new accomplishment. May you have great success.
Please mark your calendars for Saturday November 21 for helping with the Lakewood Charitable Assistance Corporation's food packing. This is always a fun and rewarding activity. More information will be available at our meeting this week. Dave Schiska will be our Vocational Speaker this Wednesday. I invite all of you to come out and support him. Dave has always been a strong supporter of our club and it is good to have him back with us and in a healthier state.
Save December 2nd for our Club Holiday party which will be held starting at 5pm at Bill Minnich’s home. In lieu of our morning meeting that day, we will be gathering that evening at Bill’s home. If you are looking for a new and exciting opportunity with our club please consider throwing your name into the mix for our new board members. This year we have three people rolling off of our board. We are looking for at least three club members who would like to run for the board.
Dave Clements
Greetings from President Dave | Dave Clements | 2015-11-16 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Interact Hobo Party
Posted by Marty Harris on Nov 01, 2015
Last Sunday Interact sponsored an awesome Hobo Party that all of the District 6630 Exchange students attended. Two teams of Hobo's begged for their dinners and picked up the makings of tacos and s'mores at four homes. Each team did tasks such as raking leaves, walking a dog, etc. All 15 kids had a blast. Kirsten Sanger and her husband Dave helped Jim and Marty host the fun time.
Interact Hobo Party | Marty Harris | 2015-11-01 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Greetings from President Dave
Posted by Dave Clements on Oct 31, 2015
Greetings Rotarians,
With the end of October and the beginning of November the year 2015 is quickly drawing to a close. What a year we have had as Rotarians. These next few weeks as a club and as individuals we will have many opportunities to give service. May each of you find great joy in doing service and may these upcoming Holidays be full of many wonderful memories for you and for your loved ones.
Our Rotary board will be meeting on Monday November 2nd and if any of you have items that you would like to put on our agenda please email me or call me.
We will not be having a speaker this Wednesday as it is our monthly club assembly. Please plan to attend. Last month we had great attendance and you were able to meet with your chosen committee group and begin to plan ideas and projects for the coming year.
This month we will continue in the planning that was done last month. In addition I would like to take about 10 minutes to discuss the idea of holding a low key fundraiser in April or May and a fundraiser similar to what we held this past August in August or September. Your input at this meeting is important and critical. Please plan to attend so your voice may be heard. Also plan to attend so that the work and service of this club can continue to be planned and action decisions made.
A big thanks to all of you and your willingness to be engaged with our club. We are moving forward and beginning to do our part as a club in the communities that we serve. I thank each of you for your time, commitment and connection to Rotary and the work that we do.
Dave Clements
Greetings from President Dave | Dave Clements | 2015-10-31 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Greetings from President Dave
Posted by Dave Clements on Oct 18, 2015
Greetings Rotarians,
This past week as I was visiting my Sister in Law at the hospital I had the opportunity to speak with a family that was dealing with the loss of their loved one. In our conversation of offering condolences they told me how their father's Rotary club has been so supportive and helpful through the illness and now with the loss. They told me how club members had come to visit their club member and spend time with him.
I thought what a wonderful thing. Then I thought about our club and just how many quiet hours of service for each other goes on from week to week with never very little fan fair. I thank each of you for all that you do for each other. That is what Rotary is all about. Thank you for all of your comments last week and for the input that each of you shared concerning our fundraiser in August. Please mark your calendars for a meeting at 6pm on Tuesday, October 27th, at Starbucks in Rocky River. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss ideas for fundraisers and propose some recommendations to the board to consider at our next board meeting. If you can attend that would be great.
This week our Club Member Steve Cornelius will be sharing his story with us. Plan to attend this Wednesday to learn more about Steve and all that he does outside of Rotary. Also mark your calendars for Saturday, October 31, for our fall service project at the Beck Center. Plan to arrive at 8 am and we should be finished by 11 am.
Greetings from President Dave | Dave Clements | 2015-10-18 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Greetings from President Dave
Posted by Dave Clements on Oct 11, 2015
Greetings Rotarians,
I hope that you all are enjoying a wonderful weekend. Thank you again to all of you who attend our club assembly last Wednesday. It was great to see and hear all of the discussion that was taking place in the different committees. Committees is where the real work of Rotary gets started. Thank you committee heads for stepping up to the plate and making things happen in your committee meetings.
This week in Rotary we have a real treat for a speaker, Katie Spotz. In 2012 she served as a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar studying Social Entrepreneurship at the University of London. Before her year started as a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar, Katie completed a solo row across the Atlantic Ocean, setting a new record as the youngest solo ocean rower.
Along the way she raised $150,000 for safe drinking water projects. She teamed up with Mark Bowles, an accomplished author and university professor, and they finished a book called "Just Keep Rowing: Lessons from the Atlantic by the Youngest Person to Ever Row across It Alone." It is a self-empowerment book as well as opportunity to raise awareness about the global water crisis. Both Katie and Mark will be joining us at our Rotary Meeting. Feel free to invite your family and friends to this meeting.
If you haven’t had an opportunity yet to register for the Rotary Summit, which is being held Saturday the 17th from 8:30 – 12:00 I invite you to do so. This is an event being put on by our District. Additional information along with a link will be included with this week’s bulletin. Hope to see all of you on Wednesday Morning at our meeting.
Dave Clements
Greetings from President Dave | Dave Clements | 2015-10-11 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Club Newsletter Help NeededGood Afternoon Sunrise Rotarians -
We need your help. As you are aware, we have been working to streamline and organize all Club Communications. As part of this effort, we have turned toward the ClubRunner Bulletin feature to build and distribute weekly club bulletins. Club Bulletins are an important part of the communication strategy for the club and provide the following benefits -
So what do we need from you -
Please email me at if you are interested or have any questions. Also feel free to call or text me at 216-509-0297.
Best Regards,
Club Newsletter Help Needed | Joe Laco | 2015-10-09 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||
One Rotary SummitSitting on the sideline is not an option if you want your club to Be a Gift to the World. Rotary International's tagline is "Join Leaders, Exchange Ideas, and Take Action." On October 17th Rotary District 6630 will provide an opportunity for you to join with other Rotarians, to exchange ideas about membership, public image and foundation programs, to take action in your own club and community.
The One Rotary Summit is an exciting, new program that is highly interactive designed with the understanding that the answers to our pressing concerns is often in the room when we gather together. Two case studies will be used to provoke discussion and you will engage with Rotarians from other clubs.
I have witnessed one of these programs in Pennsylvania and have heard from the leaders of two others and the responses have been phenomenally positive. Whether you are a relatively new member of your club or a long term member you will learn from this experience and you will return to your club with new ideas and new energy.
Please go to the district website, http://www.
In Service Above Self,
Stephen ZaborZabor
Chair, Leadership Education and Development Committee
One Rotary Summit | 2015-10-09 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||
Greetings from President DaveGood Morning Rotarians, Fall weather has descended upon us and before we know it the Holidays will be staring us in the face. Our Rotary year is moving along briskly as well. Take a look back with me on what we have accomplished as a club so far. In July I asked each of you to do two things this year. The first was to write down on a piece of paper what you were going to do this year to be a gift to the world. The second thing was to write down on a form the committee that you wished to serve on this coming year. |
Greetings from President Dave | Dave Clements | 2015-10-04 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Night at the Museum - Club Visit to the Museum of Divine Statues
Posted by Joe Laco
On Wednesday, September 30, 2015, the Sunrise Rotary Club met at the Museum of Divine Statues in Lakewood, Ohio. The club was treated to a presentation by museum curator and founder, Lou McClung. Mr. McClung is the proprietor of Lusso Cosmetics located in the old St. Hedgwig's school building in Lakewood where he produces his own line of cosmetics. A few years ago Mr. McClung purchased an antique statue at a second-hand shop. He restored the statue to its original beauty and became fascinated with statue restoration. Around the same time a number of churches closed in the Cleveland area. Mr. McClung purchased some of the statues and artifacts from the Churches and restored them to their original beauty. After amassing a collection of statues, Mr. McClung decided to open a museum in 2011 in the old St. Hedgwig's Church on Madison Ave.
For those wishing to return to the museum, you can do so on Sunday afternoons from 12p to 4p. Cost of admission is $10/person.
Contact Information for the Museum of Divine Statues:
Address: 12905 Madison Ave.
Phone: 216-228-9950
Pictures courtesy of Dave Clements
Night at the Museum - Club Visit to the Museum of Divine Statues | Joe Laco | 2015-10-03 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Integrate and Keep Talent in the Workplace DinnerOn Tuesday, October 20, the Rotary Club of Lakewood and Rocky River will publicly acknowledge the importance of education in the lives of young people, and thank the men and women who train and employ tomorrow's leaders in our Westshore communities.
The club will present, "Integrate and Keep Talent in the Workplace," a dinner honoring those businesses that support the Westshore Career Tech program by creating internships and providing training and encouragement for students in the program.
Integrate and Keep Talent in the Workplace Dinner | Joe Laco | 2015-09-28 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||
Rocky River Chamber Luncheon
Posted by Heidi Finniff on Sep 17, 2015
On Thursday, 9/24 the Noon club and our Club are sponsoring the Rocky River Chamber Luncheon. We’d love to get a great turn out of Rotarians at the lunch. Below is the link to the info about the lunch and it’s speaker. It’s always a great event. If you register to go you get the Member Price. When it asks you what company you belong to just put Rotary! Then Liz Manning will know you are with us even if you aren’t a chamber member. Register before Monday, 9/21.
Rocky River Chamber Luncheon | Heidi Finniff | 2015-09-17 04:00:00Z | 0 |