Dear Rotarians and Friends,
We have a mere 21 days until Christmas and another week later we will be entering 2018.  I certainly have my share of unfinished business at work and personally.  I recall in Junior High School how the days seemed to drag on as we approached a Holiday break and now they
fly by with precious time to spare.  While we are all pressed to get things done, take an extra few moments and give “Thanks” for the all of the great things we tend to take for granted, your spouse, the roof over your head, food on the table and all of the things we enjoy each
and every day.  When you think about it, it makes giving back and “Making A Difference” an easier and more meaningful experience.  Whatever you do, big or small, all contributes to making our life and others better.
This next week Friday our Club will be involved with the LCAC Food Distribution.  Friday evening 6:30 -8:00 PM we will  package, sort and count bread donated by our member Sabine Kretzschmar from Breadsmith.  This project, and year around distribution, would not happen
without Sabine and her husband supporting our Club.  Saturday at 9:00 AM starts the food packaging and then distribution to needy families in Lakewood.   December 15 & 16.  Come for an hour, come for the duration, every set of hands makes the task easier. 
Our Club meeting this week will be Club Assembly, a time to chat about committee work and most importantly our Auction coming up in early February.  We are really in the waning hours of putting this together and we need everyone’s support in acquiring donation items.
It is not too early to put your invite list together for the event.  Our efforts in February will set the table financially for the Club in the upcoming year.  Bring your Auction items to the meeting. See you Wednesday.                 