Greetings From President Ken
June 5, 2017
Good morning everyone.
First, I want to thank Bill Gaydos for leading the Beck Center Clean-up service project this past Saturday and everyone who helped with trimming bushes, pulling weeds, raking, and spreading over 6 yards of mulch. Besides club members, we had special helpers, Bill Minnich’s two grandsons – Steve and Will, and Kirsten Senger and her husband Dave. Check out the pictures on the Club’s website.
Don’t forgot that you can purchase tickets at $20.00 each from Larry Faulhaber for the $2,000 Appraised Value Necklace donated by Jeff Broestl of Broestl and Wallis Fine Jewelers. Larry will have tickets at all the meetings until August 9, or until all 100 tickets have been sold. The winning ticket will be drawn during the social fundraiser to be held on Wednesday evening, August 9th at the home of the Haber’s.
The monthly Board Meeting is tonight starting at 6:00 pm and will be held at the Lakewood Main Library Meeting Room.
This Wednesday’s meeting will be Club Assembly. You will hear about the actions taken by the Board, including the 2017 – 2018 Budget and fundraising ideas for this coming year. This month’s list of birthdays has only one member on it, Bill Gaydos – June 28th. Please consider a donation to the Lakewood / Rocky River Sunrise Rotary Club Foundation of $1 or $2 per year to celebrate your birthday.
Club’s Charter Night is scheduled for the evening of Wednesday, June 14, 2017, at Around the Corner in Lakewood. The event starts at 6:00 pm and dinner (Parmesan Crusted Chicken or Perch) will be served at 7:00 pm. The cost is $25.00 per person for the meal and there will be a cash bar. Please plan on bringing your spouse, partner or friend to enjoy the evening with us as we celebrate our Club’s 10th Anniversary, reflect on the past year and install the officers and new board members for the upcoming Rotary year.
The program for the June 21, 2017 meeting will be the Annual Meeting of the Sunrise Rotary Club Foundation and report to the Club.
President Ken