Greetings Rotarians,
With the end of October and the beginning of November the year 2015 is quickly drawing to a close. What a year we have had as Rotarians. These next few weeks as a club and as individuals we will have many opportunities to give service. May each of you find great joy in doing service and may these upcoming Holidays be full of many wonderful memories for you and for your loved ones.
Our Rotary board will be meeting on Monday November 2nd and if any of you have items that you would like to put on our agenda please email me or call me.  
We will not be having a speaker this Wednesday as it is our monthly club assembly. Please plan to attend. Last month we had great attendance and you were able to meet with your chosen committee group and begin to plan ideas and projects for the coming year. 
This month we will continue in the planning that was done last month. In addition I would like to take about 10 minutes to discuss the idea of holding a low key fundraiser in April or May and a fundraiser similar to what we held this past August in August or September. Your input at this meeting is important and critical. Please plan to attend so your voice may be heard. Also plan to attend so that the work and service of this club can continue to be planned and action decisions made.
A big thanks to all of you and your willingness to be engaged with our club. We are moving forward and beginning to do our part as a club in the communities that we serve. I thank each of you for your time, commitment and connection to Rotary and the work that we do.
Dave Clements