Greetings Rotarians,
It seems hard to believe that we are already starting our 2nd week of the New Year. Where does the time go? Hopefully by now all of you have made your New Year’s resolutions and are well on your way to accomplishing those goals that you wish to achieve this year.
As I write this note I send greetings from the windy city of Chicago where the temp presently is all of 1 degree with a high today of 9. Hopefully Cleveland is a little warmer. It was exciting for me to be present at our last week’s meeting and to watch the committee process of Rotary in full planning mode. Thank you to all that attended and for the suggestions and plans that were made. 
Our club will soon be putting together a slate of members to serve on the board for next year. Please consider taking advantage of this unique opportunity.  Mark will be our president and he could use the advice and experience of those of you who have been in Rotary for a while. If you are interested please contact myself or Mark.
This week in rotary you have a great treat. Bob Calsin will be sharing with the club his experiences of being in Central America and thoughts and ideas of opportunities that the club could get involved with. Make sure not to miss this meeting. In addition mark your calendars for January 19th as a networking opportunity to bring your friends who have wondered about just what type of people are involved with Rotary. See Heidi or Mark or Larry for more information regarding this event. 
I shall miss all of you but will be back in the Cleveland area in February. Keep up the great work and enjoy having this opportunity to fellowship together.
Dave Clements