Everyone’s life has to have a purpose to be meaningful, one such purpose is Service to others. “Service Above Self”, “Making A Difference”, all mottos of Rotary and what we do as Rotarians and a Club. The proceeds of our auction this February 9th will make it possible to live up to our creed.
This week at our meeting we will hear from the Lakewood High School AYF participants from this last summer. Do you need motivation, inspiration? Maybe you just need to feel good about something our Club supports year after year. This is but one thing from the myriad of things we do to support young people in our communities.
Please take a moment to do a personal inventory of what you have done or could do to support our Auction. Time is very short. Your deadline for Auction items is January 31st. The other deadline is inviting guests. We need to fill the room with 200 people.
Let’s Make A Difference.